Translation of Children’s Literature on Culture Differences

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  Translation is by nature a communicative activity of culture.As a kind of activity,translation exchanges information both within and across cultural boundaries.This paper chooses the most popular children’s literature Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and the best version of Zhaoyuanren’s version in China to see how the version deals with the culture differences,aiming at the improvement of the approaches to the adequate translation of children’s literature,and thus generalizing some principles for future theoretical references.
  1.Children’s Reception of Culture Differences
  American developmental psychologist Barbara Rogoff (1990) believes that social interaction and culture play important roles in children’s cognitive development.She argues that children’s cognitive development should involve an “apprenticeship” with companions who will strengthen children’s written and oral language skills,math skills,and memory strategies to preserve information over time.In mastering these skills,children would use all sorts of tools—everything from notches on sticks to calculators and computers—that would be consistent with the culture in which the tools were developed and used.(Laura,1991:315)
  Children can think logically because they can take multiple aspects of a situation into account.However,children are still limited in the area of thinking only about real situations in the here and now.(Papalia,2002:313) Obviously,foreign culture is abstract to children.They may fail to understand the essence of the culture,or they will throw over the book because the difficulty of comprehension exhausts them.Hence,Tiina Puurtinen observes that tolerance for strangeness is much lower in children’s literature than in books for adults,which makes readability as a whole a key issue within translation for children.(Oittinen,2000:33)
  2.Transfer of Culture Difference
  Translation isn’t just the transfer of the meaning from one language to another,but an area in which cultures meet.Translation activity,to some degree,is attributed to the translator whose decisions influence the way in which a culture responds to impulses and challenges from outside.Therefore translation is seen as social action in which different cultures have their places.
  2.1 Transfer of Proper Names.Proper names have singular references.In theory,the name of single person or object is ‘outside’ language,belong,if not at all,to the encyclopedia not the dictionary,has no meaning or connotation,is,therefore,both untranslatable and not to be translated.(Newmark,2001a:70) However,Proper names in fairy stories,folk tales and children’s literature are often translated,on the ground that children and fairies are the same the world over.(ibid:71)   As is well known,Lewis Carroll wrote the book for his little friend Alice Liddell,a ten-year-old girl,and her two sisters Lorina Charlotte and Edith Liddell.Some characters or figures of the book are explicitly or implicitly taken form the girls’ real situation,and we may assume that this must have amused them very much.When the story was published in 1865 it was directed at a broader audience,namely children and adults.The names related to Alice don’t contain the same amusements to them and to target readers of the translation.So it is assumed that the same names have different meanings to different audience.Most translations of these names into Chinese adopt transliteration method,but the foreignness of these sounds makes some of the names lose the original meanings to the target language readers.
  “Alice” is not just the name of the protagonist,it is also the name of a real girl,Carroll’s little friend,for whom the story is composed.Therefore it is impossible to obtain the same amusement to the target readers as to Alice and her companions.However,Zhao transformed the name into a familiar Chinese name.Due to in Zhao’s day,Chinese people favored to call their friend “阿*”,e.g.“张霞”called into “阿霞”.Hence,here Zhao translated “Alice” into “阿丽思”,which sounds like a Chinese name.This kind of adaptation is more acceptable to Chinese children because as the above mention,children are less understandable to the foreignness.
  Obviously,when names of the literature refer to the real world,the translation is hard to attain the same effects.But,the example of Zhao’s translation may give us some illumination how to translate names for children.Form his translational strategy,we can find his target readers do not anticipate difficulties or obscurities,and expect a generous transfer of foreign elements into their own culture.
  2.2 Transfer of Cultural Specificity.A culture-specific phenomenon is thus one that is found to exist in a particular form or to function in only one of two cultures being compared.Some material culture is proper to a society,and may not have the counterpart in another society or at the translator’s period,the material still doesn’t appear.How to translate this type of material culture will be discussed in the following.
  In the book of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland,there is a kind of food named “orange marmalade”.In the cultural term ‘orange marmalade’,marmalade means a type of jam made from citrus fruit,especially oranges.Zhao Yuanren has translated it into“橙子玛玛酱”,because at that time “marmalade” didn’t appear in Chinese family and Chinese children had no idea to this kind material.From this example,we can observe that frequently if there is a cultural focus,there would be a translation problem due to the culture ‘gaps’ or ‘distance’ between the source and the target language.When Zhao translates this word,he has presented the sound‘玛玛’of the word,who would be in the hope that Chinese readers who hadn’t been familiar with western culture yet could know the special food.At the same time,he supplements the essence of the food with character “酱”.Therefore,his transliteration makes readers in his time realize that orange marmalade is a kind of foreign food and have a general idea about this food.“Food is for many the most sensitive and important expression of national culture; food terms are subject to the widest variety of translation procedure.” (Newmark,2001b:97) From the above discussion,it can be seen that Zhao’s translation is successful to the target children readers.   3.Summary
  The culture differences cause many problems for translators.The more in source text there are cultural factors,the more there would be translation problems.How to deal with these problems grounds on the purpose of the translator translating the text.In the above discussion,it’s clear that Zhao’s translation focus on the recipients’ ability,which represents the leitmotiv of CT theory.At the same time,through the analysis,we can get the idea that Zhao’s translation is suitable for children readers.Therefore,the conclusion can be drawn that CT theory is befitting to the translation of children literature on cultural difference.Then,in the future,CT theory can be considered as a guide theory for the translation of children literature on cultural difference.
校园里经常看到学生们三五成群地在地上玩着卡片,那种着迷的劲头儿无与伦比,纸牌内容有“神奇精灵”“赛尔号”“熊出没”……可以说囊括了所有流行的动漫主题,这些图片色彩鲜艳主题鲜明,学生异常喜欢。具有让学生们着迷的卡片一样特质的课文插图,也是文本资源不可或缺的一部分,好的插图对于学生的文本阅读、课文理解有着难以估量的推动作用,在课堂教学中可以起到事半功倍的效果。  一、充分调查。厘清课文插图现状  在调
【摘 要】在深化中小学内部整体课程改革的进程中,南京市竹山中学深入挖掘传统“和”文化和“适”文化内涵,结合学校的办学特色,建构了“和适教育”哲学体系,打造了“适性”课堂新样式。在“和适教育”格局中,“和”指引着学校教育向哪里去,而“适”则指引着师生怎么去、如何去。“和”“适“是目标与方法、思想与路径、理想与实践的辩证关系。  【关键词】教育改革;传统文化;和适教育  【中图分类号】G471 【文献
【摘要】在小学英语教学中倡导培养学生的核心素养,体现了新课改对英语教学及学生的综合素养的新要求。小学英语教学核心素养综合了学生知识、态度、情感、技能等多方面要求,可以看出学校教育正在从知识灌输向注重综合素养教育转变,这种转变符合新的教育理念和教学方向。需要教师不断探索学生核心素养的培养途径,为社会培养出所需要的具有核心素养的人才。  【关键词】小学;英语教学;核心素养;培养  在小学英语教学中培养
【摘 要】以促进教师专业发展的学习力、研究力、反思力为指向的“名师工作室”近年来在中小学校得到快速发展。无锡市北塘区在打造“名师工作室”的实践中,赋予“工作室”以更加丰富的内涵与外延,放置于教师“专业共同体”建设的高度,建构起符合自身实际的、有一定影响的专业发展与建设模式。  【关键词】教师专业共同体;名师工作室;专业发展;路径  【中图分类号】G451 【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】1005-6
【摘要】当前新教法探究,基本上是在“教师为主导、学生为主体”思想主线下进行的。教学中学生在教师的启发下去发现,教师在学生发现的基础上进行总结和拓展,师生相互配合,在和谐愉快的情境中实现教师教学和学生学习的双赢。教师要善于把握时机设疑、激趣、引导、组织、总结、强化等,采用多样化的教法,让学生对老师讲授的内容留下深刻的印象; 教师要明白课堂的主体是,要让学生在课上积极发言,让每一位学生都有自己的想法,
【摘要】与隐喻的翻译研究相比,转喻翻译的研究少之又少。传统的转喻翻译研究将转喻作为一种修辞手段,具有其局限性,而从认知语言学理想化认知模式的角度看转喻翻译为我们进行翻译研究提供了一个新的视角。理想化认知模式作为重要的认知手段, 在现代翻译研究中起着重要的作用,本文通过对理想化认知模式下转喻的分析来对翻译活动进行研究,从而为翻译活动的严谨性和准确性提供一种新的思路。  【关键词】转喻翻译 理想化认知
伴随着陪餐制度的实施,每天管理干部进班和孩子们一起进餐已经成为我园一日生活的一部分。既然“陪餐”已经成为孩子们幼儿园一日生活的一部分,那么我们应该充分发挥这个部分的价值,包括且不局限于教育价值、对膳食工作的指导价值。  从促进幼儿发展的角度,如果以发展幼儿的语言表达能力为小目标,可以请幼儿在餐前向陪餐老师介绍今天的食谱以及涉及的食材。如果以发展幼儿的社会性为小目标,可以建议小朋友把陪餐老师当作今天
圈主:密~Mood  身为中学生的我们,该是“早晨八九点钟的太阳”——倍儿有精力!所以,密同学跟随着雷锋叔叔的脚步,把旺盛的精力投入到“为人民服务”中去。  我也呼吁广大的中学生参与志愿者活动,分享心得感悟和意见建议等。我们圈子的目标就是在世界中心呼唤爱。快来加入我们吧!