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  What will the 1)be like? Good or bad? A lot of science-fiction[科幻小说] writing imagines a world which is dark and 2). In Blade Runner, Harrison Ford hunts robots in a chaotic[混乱无序的] Los Angeles. Planet of the Apes shows a bleak[暗淡的] future for humankind. And what about The Hunger Games? Don’t get me 3).
  There’s a word to describe the kind of future world which often 4)in science fiction: dystopia. It means an imagined place where things are unpleasant or bad. The opposite is utopia. But does tomorrow’s world have to be so depressing[压抑的]?
  No. A new project wants to use the power of science fiction to inspire people to create a better future. Project Hieroglyph[象形文字] brings 5)writers, scientists, engineers and artists to create optimistic[乐观的] stories about things which really could happen in the next 50 years.
  It’s just a matter of making an effort[努力]. Experts say
  it’s easier to create a dystopia than write a 6)story. There’s more conflict[冲突] in a world full of problems, and stories are interesting when there are a lot of problems to resolve[解决]. No challenge, no story!
  But the project produced a book with some promising[有前途的] plots. One of them is about environmentalists[环保主义者] who fight to 7)entrepreneurs[企业家] from building the first hotel in Antarctica. Well, there’s conflict there and it’s plausible[似乎合理的], so it could be a good story.
  But will these stories 8)change anything or just keep us entertained? Ed Finn, the book’s editor, thinks the former. He says: “A good science-fiction story can be very powerful. It can inspire hundreds, thousands, millions of people to rally around[集体声援] something that they want to do.”
  The influence[影响] of science fiction can already be
  seen in 9)research, says Braden Allenby, Project
  Hieroglyph participant[参与者] and Professor of Engineering, Ethics[伦理学] and Law at Arizona State University. He asks:“Why are people working on, for example, invisibility[看不见的东西] cloaks? Well, it’s Harry Potter, right?”
  Time will tell how far we can go. Let’s dream big and think 10)the box. Who knows the wonderful things we can come up with.
  未来将是什么样子?是好还是坏?很多科幻小说想象出一个黑暗恐怖的世界。在《银翼杀手》中,哈里森·福特在混乱无序的洛杉矶追捕机器人;《决战猩球》为人类展示了一个暗淡的未来。《饥饿游戏》呢?别让我说下去了。   有一个词用来形容经常在科幻小说中出现的未来:反乌托邦,指一个想象的、情况很糟糕的地方,与之对立的是乌托邦。但是,以后的世界就只能如此压抑吗?
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Salvador Dalí  教育或许是取得成功的关键之一,不过让不守规矩的学生聊感安慰的是,事实上,有些在历史上极具影响力的人物在其少年时代也曾经被逐出校园。大多数人被开除是因为恶作剧或者其他年少轻狂的举动,但也有一部分人——他们被赶出学校的原因正是他们后来赖以成名的品性德行。从萨尔瓦多·达利到埃德加·爱伦·坡,一起来了解一下这四位曾被学校开除的历史人物吧。  In 1922, future S
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什么是“脑洞大开”?  看完本文,你就知道什么才是真正的“脑洞大开”!首先,主人公是一个人,然后他假设自己是一个机器人,住在英格兰海岸边的一个农舍里,梦想着成为一只猫咪,一只不被主人赏识的猫咪。很奇特吧?这样奇葩的脑回路,加上令人忍俊不禁的细节描写,让这曲机器人狂想曲显得欢快激昂。  If I were a robot, I would probably not kill all humans. 
She was maybe six years old, smiling and ladylike[如淑女的] in a gauzy[薄纱的] white dress. The kind of dress that makes me want a daughter. The kind of smile that’s heavy on sugar and light on spice[香料, 调味品
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考试考砸了,又或是被老师批评了一顿……当心情跌至谷底的时候,很多人都会化悲愤为食欲,吃个冰激凌或蛋糕,感觉似乎就好起来了,因为我们相信食物是解决情绪的灵丹妙药。但科学家们又出来多管闲事了。一项研究显示,那些被人们称为安慰食物(comfort food)的高卡路里食品,对抚慰我们的心灵其实没什么作用……  安慰食物  顾名思义,安慰食物是那些人们认为能对人的情绪产生安慰作用的食物。这些食物通常是很常