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随着新课改目标的推广,初中政治教育模式同样的也得到进一步的改革,不论是在教学方法上,还是在教学的内容上都有了一定的改革,政治教学是一门与时俱进的学科,初中政治很多时候是一个人初步接触政治的平台,所以必须根据现实的需要和国家社会的实时动态进行改革,让我们从小对政治有一个客观准确的认知。新课改要求政治课的教学目的是学生能够通过自主的学习来培养学生基本的公民道德素质,需要课上老师与学生是互动的,以此来激励学生的学习自主性。由此可见激励理论在初中政治课堂教学中的应用是非常有必要的,所以本文着重于探究激励理论在初中政治课堂的应用。 With the popularization of the goal of new curriculum reform, junior high school political education mode has also been further reform, both in teaching methods, or in the content of the teaching has a certain reform, political teaching is an advance with the times Junior high school politics is often a platform for people’s initial contact with politics. Therefore, we must reform according to the actual needs and the real-time dynamics of our country and society so that we can have an objective and accurate understanding of politics from an early age. The new curriculum reform requires political class teaching purpose is that students can cultivate students ’basic civic moral quality through independent study, teachers and students are required to interact in class, in order to motivate students’ learning autonomy. Thus we can see that the application of motivation theory in junior middle school politics classroom teaching is very necessary. Therefore, this article focuses on the application of motivation theory in junior middle school politics classroom.
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会议期间,还召开了中国陕学会第二 届第三次理事会会议 会场上,老专家们看到性学会的蓬嗯 勃发展,无不倍感欣喜.中国性学会第五届学术年会剪影 During the meeting, the thi