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小儿重症肺炎死亡率仍较高,如能及时诊断和正确处理,可使死亡率明显下降。现将小儿几种常见的重症肺炎的诊治方法介绍如下。新生儿肺炎可分为两大类,一类为吸入性肺炎,另一类为感染性肺炎。一、吸入性肺炎的诊断(一)病因为胎儿在宫内或出生过程中吸入羊水,或被胎粪污染的羊水。(二)出生时有窒息史,复苏后呼吸不规则,绝大多数在24小时内出现气促、青紫、口吐泡沫,一般无咳嗽。胎粪吸入者,皮肤、指甲和口腔可能被胎粪染黄。肺部可有湿罗音。(三)鉴别诊断:1.需要与呼吸窘迫综合症(RDS)鉴别。此病好发于早产儿。宫内窒息,胎盘早剥是诱发本病的 Severe pneumonia in children is still high mortality rate, if timely diagnosis and correct treatment, can significantly reduce the mortality rate. Now several common pediatric pneumonia diagnosis and treatment methods are described below. Neonatal pneumonia can be divided into two categories, one is aspiration pneumonia, the other is infectious pneumonia. First, the diagnosis of aspiration pneumonia (a) the cause of the fetus in the uterus or during birth aspiration of amniotic fluid, or meconium-contaminated amniotic fluid. (B) history of asphyxia at birth, resuscitation irregular breathing, the vast majority of shortness of breath within 24 hours, bruising, vomiting foam, generally no cough. Meconium inhalers, skin, nails and mouth may be yellowish meconium. The lungs may have wet rales. (C) differential diagnosis: 1. Needs and respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) identification. The disease occurs in premature children. Intrauterine asphyxia, placental abruption is induced by this disease
Rad51/RadA paralogs found in eukaryotes and euryarchaea play important roles during recombination and repair,and mutations in one of the human Rad51 paralogs,Ra
Aim:To investigate the effect of formaldehyde(FA)on testes and the protective effect of vitamin E(VE)againstoxidative damage by FA in the testes of adult rats.
1月29日,是邓丽君的出生纪念日。和每年一样,照例有纪念活动,网站又会做她的纪念专题。  但是,有个问题萦绕心头,始终没有解决。从很小的时候我就在想,那些唱歌的人,都长得那么美丽了,为什么还要唱些幽怨的歌?为什么在他们的歌里,还满是得不到一个人的痛苦?长得那么好,还不是想要谁就要谁,唱这些歌做什么?若干年后,我明白了,且不说爱情这种奢侈品,在任何一个领域都是这样,人,永远得不到自己真正想要的东西。
Aim:To investigate the in vitro metabolism of imrecoxib in rat liver microsomesand to identify the cytochrome P450(CYP)forms involved in its metabolism.Methods
Aim:To study the in vivo and in vitro metabolism and the effect of para-toluene-sulfonamide (PTS) on cytochrome P450 enzymes (CYP450).Methods:Total CYP450and m