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我原是火电安装企业一名专业人员,后调企协工作。去午九月,我参加了中施企协在烟台召开的通讯联络员会议,荣幸地被选为中施企协的通讯联络员。一年来,我及时将来自纵横各方面的信息资料提供给公司领导,供决策参考,及时把公司各时期的动态、规划总结、信息资料报中施企协,沟通交流了信息。我作通讯联络员工作虽时间不长,但是我深深地爱上了这项工作,它对推进企业管理、深化改革很有意义。一年来的通讯联络员工作,我有以下体会。一、提高认识,树立新的信息价值观。过去对“信息”的价值,由于受旧的传统管理思想意识的束缚,并不重视。经过参加通讯联络员会议的学习启发和一年来工作中的实际体验,加深了我对“信息”价值的认识。“信息”在现代商品经济不断深入发展的今天,已成为企业经营管理和市场竞争中重要手段,列为企业的重要基 I used to be a professional in a thermal power installation company and later transferred to the business association. In the afternoon of noon, I attended the meeting of the communication liaison officer held in Yantai by the China Enterprise Enterprise Association and was honored to be selected as the communication liaison officer of the China Enterprise Association. In the past year, I have provided information from various aspects to the company’s leaders in a timely manner for reference in decision-making, and timely reported the company’s dynamics in each period, planning summary, and information materials to the China Enterprise Association, and communicated and exchanged information. Although I have worked as a communications liaison officer for a short time, I have fallen in love with this work. It is of great significance to promote enterprise management and deepen reforms. The communication liaison staff worked for the past year. I have the following experience. First, raise awareness and establish new values ​​of information. In the past, the value of “information” was not taken seriously due to the constraints of the old traditional management ideology. The enlightenment of participating in the meeting of communication liaison officers and the actual experience in the work in the past year have deepened my understanding of the value of “information”. Today, with the continuous development of modern commodity economy, “information” has become an important means for the management of enterprises and market competition, and is listed as an important basis for enterprises.
汉川机床厂是机械电子工业部生产精密机床和电加工机床的骨干企业。建厂20多年 来,我厂坚持“用户至上、质量第一。服务周到、注重信誉”的办厂方针;产品已由两个品种发展到
该中心设在位于Porton Down(Salisbary)的公共卫生研究服务局(PHLS)应用微生物及研究中心内。这是在美国以外的第一个这类设施。在日本,一个类似的设施也即将开放。这项收藏
匈牙利的 BVM 公司是匈牙利预制混凝土、钢筋混凝土和预应力混凝土建筑物的工业化生产基地,BVM 是匈牙利文缩写,意为混凝土和钢筋混凝土制品。BVM 在全国有14个工厂,14个厂