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计划免疫隶属流行病学工作范畴,从过去的无规则、分散的预防接种逐步发展到现在有计划、按程序地对人群不同对象进行广泛的免疫,因而产生了组织、计划,协调等一系列管理问题。随着计免工作社会化程度的提高,组织规模的扩大,经费的递增,没有一个系统的、科学的管理是无法使这项工作正常开展并不断提高效能、使之持久化的。特别是偏远山区县,远离铁路线,交通不便,村民居住分散。群众卫生习惯、文化、卫生知识缺乏。要真正做到按规定的免疫程序,有计划地利用生物制品进行预防接种,以提高人群免疫水平,从而达到控制以至消灭相应传染病的目的,一定要结合偏远 Planned immunity belongs to the scope of epidemiology work, from the gradual development of irregular and dispersed vaccination in the past to the widespread immunization of different targets of the population through plans and procedures, resulting in a series of managements such as organization, planning and coordination. problem. With the increase in the degree of social work, the increase in the scale of work, the increase in the size of the organization, and the increase in funding, there is no systematic and scientific management that cannot enable this work to be carried out normally and continuously improve its effectiveness and make it last. Especially in remote mountainous counties, far from the railway line, the traffic is inconvenient, and the villagers live scatteredly. There is a lack of public health habits, culture, and health knowledge. To truly implement the prescribed immunization procedures and systematically use biological products for vaccination to raise the level of immunity of the population so as to achieve the purpose of controlling or even eradicating the corresponding infectious diseases, it is necessary to combine remoteness with
In this paper, an equipment selective maintenance strategy based on performance is brought forward according to the situation in China, in which reliability, co
用卤素 -钨灯作辐射热源快速热氮化 (RTN) ,在〈10 0〉和〈111〉晶向Si衬底上制备了Si_SiOxNy_Al电容 ,并测量了由低场到F_N隧穿电场范围的电子从N型Si积累层到超薄SiOxNy 膜