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黄龙位于四川省阿坝藏族羌族自治州松潘县境内,是中国唯一保护完好的高原湿地,因沟中有许多钙化的彩池,随着周围景色变化和阳光照射角度变化变幻出五彩的颜色,黄龙被誉为“人间瑶池”。黄龙主景区位于岷山的主峰、终年积雪的雪宝顶下,以彩池、雪山、峡谷、森林“四绝”著称于世,再加上滩流、古寺、民俗称为“七绝”。规模宏大、结构奇巧、色彩丰艳的地表钙华景观造就黄龙主景,钙华景观,类型齐 Huanglong is located in Songpan County, Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province. It is the only protected plateau wetland in China. Due to the many calcified pools in the ditch, Huanglong is reputed to be a multicolored color with changes in the surrounding scenery and changes in sunlight exposure. For “human Yao pool ”. Huanglong main scenic spot is located in the main peak of Minshan snow snow all the year round under the roof to the pool, snow-capped mountains, canyons, forests “four must ” is known to the world, coupled with the beach, ancient temples, folk called Seven must ". Large scale, exquisite structure, colorful surface of the travertine landscape created Huanglong landscape, travertine landscape, type of Qi
Employing magnetic resonance diffusion tensor imaging, three-dimensional white-matter imaging and conventional magnetic resonance imaging can demonstrate the tu
The aim of this study was to examine the secondary visual cortex functional disorder in patients with glaucoma and large pituitary adenoma by functional magneti
The present study investigated the disease trajectory of vascular cognitive impairment using the entropy of information in a neural network mathematical simulat
目的 对朝鲜入境人员传染病监测并对结果进行分析,为有效防止传染病的传播和蔓延提供科学依据.方法 对1 816名入境的朝鲜人员进行乙肝、丙肝和梅毒的监测.结果 检出HBs-Ag阳
This study measured the vagus and phrenic nerves from 12 adult cadavers. We found that the width and thickness of the vagus and phrenic nerves were different in