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国务院总理、国家科技教育领导小组组长朱镕基6月30日在中南海主持国家科技教育领导小组第四次会议,听取了中国科学院关于进行国家知识创新工程试点情况和关于中国高能物理发展战略的汇报。会议充分肯定了中国科学院国家知识创新工程试点工作取得的成绩,对进一步搞好试点工作提出了要求。朱镕基说,根据江泽民总书记提出的“真正搞出我们自己的创新体系”的要求,党中央、国务院决定在中国科学院启动国家知识创新工程试点,这是落实科教兴国和可持续发展战略的重要举措,这一工程实施一年来已取得成效。加强技术创新,加速科技发展,需要广大科技工作者坚持不懈的努力,也需要进一步加大改革力度。长期以来,我国科研院所存在的分散、封闭等弊端,不利于创新工程的实施,要通过组织结构调整和运行机制转换改变这一状况。进行知识创新工程试点,还要注意吸引国内外最优秀的科学家开展科学研究,推动知识创新基地与大学、企业、地方的合作与共建,形成更加开放的创新格局。要深化科技体制改革,使科技发展与经济社会发展更紧密地结合。科学研究成果不仅要重视学术水平,更要重视其对社会的贡献。我们要真正尊重知识,尊重人才,要调动科技人员的积极性和创造性,营造一个良好的社会环境。 On June 30, Premier Zhu Rongji, leader of the State Science and Technology Education Leading Group, presided over the fourth meeting of the State Science and Technology Education Leading Group in Zhongnanhai and listened to the CAS CASE report on carrying out the national knowledge innovation project and the report on China's high-energy physics development strategy. The meeting fully affirmed the achievements of the pilot projects of the national knowledge innovation project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and set forth the requirements for further improvement of the pilot projects. Zhu Rongji said: According to General Secretary Jiang Zemin's request of “truly developing our own innovation system,” the CPC Central Committee and the State Council decided to launch a pilot program of national knowledge innovation at the Chinese Academy of Sciences. This is a strategy of implementing the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education and the strategy of sustainable development Important move, the project has achieved success over the year. To strengthen technological innovation and speed up the development of science and technology requires the unswerving efforts of vast numbers of science and technology workers as well as the need to further intensify the reform. For a long time, the drawbacks of decentralization and closure in China's scientific research institutes are not conducive to the implementation of innovative projects. We should change this situation through organizational restructuring and operational mechanism transformation. We should also try to attract the best scientists at home and abroad to carry out scientific research and promote the cooperation and building of a knowledge innovation base with universities, enterprises and localities to form a more open and innovative pattern. We must deepen the reform of science and technology system so that science and technology development and economic and social development are more closely integrated. The results of scientific research should not only pay attention to academic standards, but also attach importance to their contribution to society. We must truly respect knowledge and talent and mobilize the enthusiasm and creativity of scientists and technicians to create a good social environment.
很多时候,输赢并没我们想得那么重要,重要的是摔倒后有没有勇气站起来,人生很长,所以要享受再次站起来的过程!    8月11日  星期三上午,学校举行拔河比赛,我也要参赛,心情十分激动。放学后,老师带着我们来到体育场,只见体育场人山人海,非常热闹。体育老师手中拿着一根粗大的绳子,绳子中间系着一条红色的绸带,那是决定胜负的标志。  轮到我们班和三(3)班比赛了。拔河一定要心往一处想、劲往一处使这样才能
樱(yīn)桃镇的港(ǎn)口,停泊(bó)着一只橡树小船。夜深了,月光洒在美丽的海面上,轻轻抚摸着疲惫(píbèi)的小船。橡树小船睡着了,睡得很沉。橡树小船的 Cherry (yīn) p