NONEL High Precision MS Delay Detonator

来源 :Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing(Engl | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tpxlw
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The NONEL high precision MS Delay Detonator (FDG-1 detonator) is introduced. The main aspects about the FDG-1 deton- ator include the choice of structure, delay composition, control of the gas chamber, optimum charge and density suitable explosives per meter in the NONEL tube, base firing charge and the main specifications. The improvement of the characteristics of FDG-1 detonator has been tested systematically The testing method is reliable and its precision can meet the demand for usage. The main aspects of the FDG-1 deton- ator include the choice of structure, delay composition, control of the gas chamber, optimum charge and density suitable explosives per meter in the NONEL tube, base firing charge and the main specifications. The improvement of the characteristics of FDG-1 detonator has been tested systematically The testing method is reliable and its precision can meet the demand for usage.
6月11日下午5点多,郑州64路公交车司机任晓燕驾车驶到终点站,车上一个10岁男孩却不愿下车,其身上多处带伤,说是爸爸打的。经反复询问,孩子才写下爸爸的电话。孩子的父亲贾先生随后赶到,贾先生介绍孩子说:“他不听话,脑子不管用。”最后,贾先生承诺不再打孩子,并把孩子领回了家。  临走的时候,孩子依依不舍地冲着帮助了自己的公交车场站工作人员,做了一个飞吻的动作。孩子这个天真无邪的动作,让人看过不由得莞
【教学目标】  1.通過预学反馈、同桌合作,读准带有儿化音的三个词语;通过看图、类比、联系生活等方法,积累带有“氵”的6个生字;正确、工整地书写“射、短、粗、梢、妹”5个字。  2.通过看图想象说话、动作模拟、合作表演,正确、流利地朗读课文,尝试背诵课文。  3.借助微课理解“发射”的含义,感受雨后玩水的快乐。  【教学过程】  一、反馈预习,归类识字  师:雨过天晴,空气清新,景色也特别美丽。请
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