
来源 :广告大观 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:linlong__
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尊敬的编辑: 收到贵刊寄来的《广告大观》99.7期,惊喜地发现试投您处的《银川市区公益广告》已被采用,作为撰稿人的我及我单位对责刊大力宣传西北边陲地区的广告工作,表示十分感谢! 内容丰富,绚丽多采的《广告大观》在我处很受欢迎,不仅仅图文并茂,而且带来了新思想,新观念、新视点,对于以广告推动边塞地区的经济发展,将起很大的作用,衷心祝愿这本在全国都有影响的专业刊物越办越红火! Dear Editor: After receiving the 99.7 issue of “Ad Grand View” sent by your magazine, I was pleasantly surprised to find that the “Yinchuan Urban Public Welfare Advertisement” attempted by your trial has been adopted. As a copywriter, I and my organization strongly urge We are very grateful for the advertising work in the Bengbu region in the northwest. The content is rich, and the brilliant “Ad Grand View” is very popular in our office. It is not only illustrated but also brings new ideas, new ideas, new viewpoints, and advertising. Promoting the economic development of the Frontier region will play a significant role. I sincerely wish that this professional journal, which has an impact on the whole country, will become even more prosperous!
一套试卷,特别是高考试 卷能够在变化中引领新潮流,哪怕只有一道题能够在变化中引领新潮流也是值得我们称道、欣赏和研究的。下面就湖北卷和北京卷在这方面的成果谈谈自己的
The statistics showed that in the first fivemonths,processing trade,for the first timein this year,grew by 1.4 per cent to US$39.61 billion,while export value
According to a report from the Ministry ofForeign Trade and Economic Cooperation(Moiled, China will import US$1,500 billionworth of equipment, technology andpr
The Chinese government has showed itsdetermination again in its continuous effortsto urge for more measures aimed at in-creasing exports and drawing foreign in
雷达希望宣传由著名设计师Jasper Morrison亲手设计的限量系列,这款系列只有50只,所以它的广告预算也相对较少,且最新限量版雷达表的设计基于精细的金色系列,但通过广告来宣