
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘.眼科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:LUXU_ZHANG
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To report endoscopic findings in the anterior chamber angle during injection o f viscoelastic material in viscocanalostomy (VCS). Observational case reports. T wo cases of primary openangle glaucoma were treated with VCS and cataract surger y. Immediately before and during injection of viscoelastic material into Schlemm ’s canal, the anterior chamber angle was observed using an ophthalmic endoscope . In both cases, we observed viscoelastic material in Schlemm’s canal and leaka ge of viscoelastic material and blood from Schlemm’s canal into the anterior ch amber away from the injection site of the viscoelastic material. In one case, in docyanine green-stained viscoelastic material was not in Schlemm’s canal the d ay after surgery. In VCS, Schlemm’s canal was filled and was disrupted after vi scoelastic material injection. Disruption of the inner wall of Schlemm’s canal andjuxtacanalicular connective tissues may contribute to the intraocular pressur e reduction associated with VCS. To report endoscopic findings in the anterior chamber angle during injection of viscoelastic material in viscocanalostomy (VCS). Observational case reports. T wo cases of primary openangle glaucoma were treated with VCS and cataract surger y. Immediately before and during injection of viscoelastic material into Schlemm ’s canal, the anterior chamber angle was observed using an ophthalmic endoscope. In both cases, we observed viscoelastic material in Schlemm’s canal and leaka ge of viscoelastic material and blood from Schlemm’s canal into the anterior ch amber away from the injection site of the viscoelastic In one case, in dcaseine green-stained viscoelastic material was not in Schlemm’s canal the d ay after surgery. In VCS, Schlemm’s canal was filled and was disrupted after vi scoelastic material injection. Disruption of the inner wall of Schlemm’s canal and juxtacanalicular connective may contribute to the intraocular pressur e reduction associated wit h VCS.
《晶体生长杂志(Journal of Crystal Growch)》1988年Vol 86,Nos.1~4是刊载关于Ⅱ—Ⅵ族化合物第三届国际会议的论文集。现按文集所分的六个部分中有关HgCdTe内容的论文题摘
了溪河畔的古村落    每到新春,南丰县的乡野田间便会活跃着一支支乡傩队伍,他们走村串户,每到之处,铳炮震耳欲聋,锣鼓响彻巷户,“傩,傩”之声不绝于耳。据县文化部门统计,目前活跃在南丰的傩舞队不下于百余支,因此,明清时期的贡橘之乡又被冠上“中国傩舞艺术之乡”的美名。  甘坊村,坐落在南丰西郊军峰山(古称军山)西南麓的一片山坳河谷之中,辖于南丰县白舍镇,距镇约17.5公里。村落依山而建,分上甘、下甘
我的理想就是要有一个盒子,玻璃盒子,把我和这些藏品装入其中,成为历史的一个个残片,联系着过去与未来。这个博物馆将是我人生中最大的一件公众艺术作品。——朱成 My ideal