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“在医学科学高速发展的今天,越来越多的医务工作者认识到毒品依赖实际上是一种非生物因素引起的疾病,要采取药物、心理以及社会性措施相结合的综合治疗模式,包括脱瘾治疗、心理康复和后续的随防监护,才能最终使这些‘瘾君子’身心健康地回归社会”,“6·26”国际禁毒日前夕,笔者走访了第一军医大学江村医院自愿医疗戒毒中心知名医疗戒毒专家、中心负责人罗晓云主任医师。 “In the rapid development of medical science, more and more medical workers have realized that drug dependence is actually a disease caused by non-biological factors. It is necessary to adopt a comprehensive treatment model combining drug, psychology and social measures, including Detoxification treatment, psychological rehabilitation and follow-up follow-up guardianship can ultimately bring these ”addicts“ back to society physically and mentally.” On the eve of the “6·26” International Anti-drug Day, the author visited Jiangcun Hospital of the First Military Medical University for voluntary medical detoxification. The center’s famous medical detoxification expert and center chief Luo Xiaoyun, chief physician.
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山西省太原市税务局认真做好征集国家能源交通重点建设基金的工作,全市1,011个单位今年一季度已交纳“基金”占全年分配任务的35.12%,超过季度平均入库进度的10.12%, Taiyu
目前基层财政部门的工作,包罗万象,样样都管,事事都干,颇近乎大而全,小而全.实不利于提高财政管理水平,也不适应高速度积累资金的新形势. 分配与监督是财政的职能.按照政策
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