Serum metabolome profiles characterized by patients with hepatocellular carcinoma associated with he

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wushenjian
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AIM: To clarify the characteristics of metabolite profiles in virus-related hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC) patients using serum metabolome analysis. METHODS: The serum levels of low-molecular-weight metabolites in 68 patients with HCC were quantified using capillary electrophoresis chromatography and mass spectrometry. Thirty and 38 of the patients suffered from hepatitis B virus-related HCC(HCC-B) and hepatitis C virus-related HCC(HCC-C), respectively.RESULTS: The main metabolites characteristic of HCC were those associated with glutathione metabolism, notably 13 γ-glutamyl peptides, which are by-products of glutathione induction. Two major profiles, i.e., concentration patterns, of metabolites were identified in HCC patients, and these were classified into two groups: an HCC-B group and an HCC-C group including some of the HCC-B cases. The receiver operating characteristic curve for the multiple logistic regressionmodel discriminating HCC-B from HCC-C incorporating the concentrations of glutamic acid, methionine and γ-glutamyl-glycine-glycine showed a highly significant area under the curve value of 0.94(95%CI: 0.89-1.0, P < 0.0001).CONCLUSION: The serum levels of γ-glutamyl peptides, as well as their concentration patterns, contribute to the development of potential biomarkers for virus-related HCC. The difference in metabolite profiles between HCC-B and HCC-C may reflect the respective metabolic reactions that underlie the different pathogeneses of these two types of HCC. METHODS: The serum levels of low-molecular-weight metabolites in 68 patients with HCC were quantified using a capillary electrophoresis chromatography and mass spectrometry Thirty and 38 of the patients suffered from hepatitis B virus-related HCC (HCC-B) and hepatitis C virus-related HCC (HCC-C), respectively.RESULTS: The main metabolites characteristic of HCC were those associated with glutathione metabolism, notably 13 γ-glutamyl peptides, which are by-products of glutathione induction. Two major profiles, ie, concentration patterns, of metabolites were identified in HCC patients, and these were classified into two groups: an HCC-B group and an HCC- C group including some of the HCC-B cases. The receiver operating characteristic curve for the multiple logistic regression model discriminating HCC-B from HCC-C incorporation concentrations of glutamic acid, methionine and γ-glutamyl-glycine-glycine showed a highly significant area under the curve value of 0.94 (95% CI: 0.89-1.0, P <0.0001) .CONCLUSION: The serum levels of γ-glutamyl peptides, as well as their concentration patterns, contribute to the development of potential biomarkers for virus-related HCC. The difference in metabolite profiles between HCC-B and HCC-C may reflect the respective metabolic reactions that underlie the different pathogeneses of these two types of HCC.
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