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《白蛇传》的故事千古流传,家喻户晓,因此每一次改编和创新必然会面对激烈的批评,关键在于创新能否经得起历史实践的检验。这是我第二次看《白蛇传·情》了,平心而论,这场表演呈现的效果比2015年12月的那场要好。有戏迷是慕名来看曾小敏“踢枪”(戏曲程式叫“打出手”)的,这场武打戏“零”失误的完美呈现,可以说为曾小敏“夺梅”加了不少砝码。从表演理论来说,每一次演出都是一次新的完成。一 Since the story of “White Snake” is ancient and well known, it is inevitable that every adaptation and innovation will face fierce criticism. The key lies in whether innovation can stand the test of historical practice. This is the second time I read “White Snake Love”, to be fair, the performance of this show is better than that in December 2015. There are fans are attracted to see Zeng Xiaomin “kick gun ” (the opera program called “hit hand ”), the martial arts play “zero ” the perfect presentation of mistakes, can be said to Zeng Xiaomin A lot of weight. From the performance theory, every show is a new accomplishment. one
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