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开发幼儿的智力,是幼儿教育的一个重要任务。尽管幼儿园教育已成为幼儿主要的教育途径,对幼儿的发展起着举足轻重的作用,但是,幼儿的家庭教育作为幼儿园教育的辅助与配合,是十分必要的。大量的事实证明,只有幼儿园教育与家庭教育很好地配合,互为补充,才能收到理想的教育效果,使幼儿的智力及其身心健康地发展。重要的是,由于幼儿年龄的关系,他们的智力仍不发达,正处于发展之中,知识水平有限,各方面的阅历较浅,因而幼儿园的集体教学常不能有效地适合每个幼儿。幼儿园开展个别教育是较困难的。家庭教育却能很好地完成这个任务,家长的个别教育常能收到幼 The development of children’s intelligence is an important task for early childhood education. Although kindergarten education has become the main education channel for young children, it plays a decisive role in the development of young children. However, it is necessary for kindergarten family education to be supplemented and coordinated by kindergarten education. A large number of facts show that only kindergarten education and family education work well with each other to complement each other in order to receive the desired effect of education so that children’s intelligence and physical and mental health development. Importantly, due to the relationship between young children, their intelligence is still underdeveloped, under development, with limited knowledge and various experiences. Therefore, collective teaching in kindergartens often can not effectively suit every young child. Kindergarten education is more difficult to carry out. Family education can do a good job of this task, parents often receive individual education
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如果把科技创新比做一条河,那么原始性创新就是这条河的源头;如果源头是一泓涌动不息的活水,那么这条河将具源远流长之势。——题记 If science and technology innovation
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目的:满足孩子的好奇心,在他的脑海中留下深刻的印象。使他发现宇宙中有很多事物是可以探求、发掘、认识的。材料: 蚕豆种子、果酱瓶、报纸。玩法: 1.蚕豆可以有不同的培植
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