军转民—中国船舶配套设备产业发展的新思路 《军民两用技术推动产业化发展的战略研究》船舶分课题《军民两用配套产品新技术部分》摘要

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目前世界强国,无论美国、英、法, 随着经济的全球化,军用技术逐步渗入民用市场并带动了国家的经济发展, 前苏联由于这方面工作起步晚,工作开展不够,造成了军事工业是超级大国,国民经济发展水平相对滞后,日本、德国等二战战败国,在一定时期内限止了他们的军工技术发展,但由于民用技术的发展,民用技术用于军工,使近年来军工技术也得到飞快发展。对军工产品要求比较高,主要是技术标准高,而并非技术水平一定要比民用领域在整个技术方面都更高。我国军工技术的发展从起步就与前苏联有相似的弊病,相对封闭。好在70年代后期国防建设指导方针有了重大改变,强调军工技术向民用领域转移,军工技术由单一为国防服务转变为国防和国民经济服务,使我国的军工技术向民用技术转移逐步走向军民技术相互转移。多年来船舶配套军工技术得到迅速发展,由于船舶配套设备绝大多数是军民共用技术,因此有很多产品军工有优势,而民用又有需求。 With the globalization of the economy and the gradual penetration of military technology into the civilian market and the economic development of the country, the United States, Britain and France are currently the world powers. Since the Soviet Union started its work late and did not carry out sufficient work in this area, the military industry was As the superpower and the national economy have lagged behind, the defeated nations of World War II, such as Japan and Germany, limited their military technology development within a certain period of time. However, due to the development of civilian technology, civil technology was applied to military industry and military technology was also obtained in recent years Rapid development. Military products are relatively demanding, mainly high technical standards, not the technical level must be higher than the civilian area in the overall technical aspects. The development of China’s military technology has been relatively closed to the former Soviet Union from the very beginning. Fortunately, major changes have taken place in the guidelines for national defense building in the late 1970s, emphasizing the transfer of military technology to civilian areas. The military technology has changed from a single service for national defense to a service for national defense and the national economy. The military technology in our country has gradually shifted to civil technology Mutual transfer. Over the years the ship supporting military technology has been rapidly developed, as the vast majority of ship equipment is a common military and civilian technology, so there are many products have the advantage of military, civil and have demand.
  汽车工业是吉林省最重要的支柱产业。在汽车工业 的带动下,吉林省汽车零部件工业也已经发展成具有相 当规模产业。一是形成了良好的产业基础,在吉林省经 济中占有重要
一、节能型门窗玻璃的发展建筑门窗是建筑围护结构的重要组成部分, 是建筑物热交换、热传导最活跃、最敏感的部位,同时也是冬季保温和夏季隔热最薄弱的部分,其散热量通常是墙
1951年5月1日,中央人民广播电台辟出专门时段,创办了面向全军指战员的《部队节目》——和平建设时期国家电台的军事节目从此诞生。 在此后的很长一段时间里,是令广播人陶醉
汽车护理的概念、分类、特征汽车护理(CAR-CARE,Car- beauty),指的是对汽车在正常使用情况下,外部和内部的一种清洁和养护,以此对汽车起到更好的保护作用。汽车护理用品从作