
来源 :党的建设 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hlp2009
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党的十四届四中全会《决定》在总结历史经验的基础上,对当前贯彻民主集中制作了明确规定,提出了新的要求。按照《决定》精神,结合发展社会主义市场经济的新情况,进一步坚持和健全民主集中制,具有重要的现实意义和深远影响。一、民主集中制是科学的合理的有效的制度我们党是按照民主集中制原则建立起来的。在长期的革命和建设实践中,党创造性地运用民主集中制原理,制定了正确规范党内政治生活、处理党内关系的准则和制度,形成了党在组织建设上的鲜明特色。党在执政以后,把这种制度运用于政权建设。因此,民主集中制既是我们党的根本制度,也是我们国家的根本制度。党章规定:“民主集中制是民主基础上的集中和集中指导下的民主相结合。”这是对民主集中制内涵的准确概括。民主集中制包括民主和集中两个 On the basis of summing up historical experiences, the “Decision” of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 14th Central Committee of the Party made a clear provision on the current implementation of democratic centralism and put forward new demands. In accordance with the spirit of “decision” and in combination with the new situation of developing the socialist market economy, it is of great realistic and far-reaching significance to further adhere to and improve democratic centralism. I. Democratic Centralism is a Scientific, Reasonable and Effective System Our party has been established in accordance with the principle of democratic centralism. In the long-term revolutionary and construction practice, the party has creatively applied the principle of democratic centralism and formulated the norms and rules for correctly regulating the political life of the party and handling the relations within the party, thus forming the distinctive features of the party in organizational construction. After the party took power, the system was applied to the building of political power. Therefore, democratic centralism is not only the fundamental system of our party but also the fundamental system of our country. The Constitution stipulates: “Democratic centralism is a combination of democracy based on democracy and centralized democracy.” This is an accurate summary of the connotation of democratic centralism. Democratic centralism includes both democracy and centralism
The dynamics of red edge parameters at different growth stages of wheat canopy was studied. The red edge position moved to the longer wavelength from erecting
目的:  研究缺血性脑白质疏松(Ischemic leukoaraiosis,ILA)发生、发展的相关影响因素。应用磁共振三维动脉自旋标记灌注成像技术(3D arterial spin labeling,3D-ASL)探索不