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  朱俊 译
  I have been divorced two years this Thanksgiving.
   (The irony is not altogether lost. Bear with me.)
  I did not believe I would ever get out of my divorce, which couldn’t have been more painful, 2)squalid, or 3)banal. We had just had a babyÑnot to save the marriage, I might addÑbut for the usual joyous, traditional, and misguided reasons.
  I did not know the marriage needed saving. This shows my general naivete, something that divorce cures one of forever.
  I became a single mother overnight, which is nothing like becoming famous overnight. I believe it is the emotional equivalent of having a stroke. While my 4)estranged spouse 5)recuperated at the 6)exquisite tropical island where frothy drinks are served with miniature 7)parasols, I was left holding the diaper bag.
  The timing could not have been worse, as I was left to raise our beautiful son at a time when eating or grooming seemed difficult and perhaps unnecessary. I wanted to die. Life as I knew it was over, my bills were doubled, and my fear and loneliness and sense of complete failure rose like bone dust into the night air.
  In a true universe, there would be a place where love and marriages go to die, 8)rapture’s own version of the elephant’s graveyard. They should not be allowed to 9)dissipate on their own, to float away on some random moment, 10)irrevocable as seed from a 11)dandelion.
  During the first weeks, my mother came to stay with me, positioned on the 12)Pottery Barn chair and a half, a kind of angelic sentinel in 13)sweat clothes. She drank 14)Diet Coke, and she listened, telling me stories from her own divorce. These stories were not terribly encouraging, seeing as how my father remarried twice and dropped dead at forty-four. But although my mother wanted to part my husband’s hair with an ax, she was happy; I noticed that. She had survived.
  Of course, I did not die. Instead, I focused on my extraordinary son and drank 15)midrange 16)chardonnay every night from the couch, which had become my battle station. I ordered a barrage of mail-order items. I felt like hammered shit every day.
  I asked my mother, “How long?” “ Two years,” she said. My brain did not accept this as 17)viable information. Yes, my mother had been left at thirty-six with two kids, but that was in the ‘70s. I announced I could not last that long, that even next month was pushing it. She said, “Oh, well... Everyone’s different, honey.”
  I walked around my small town with a thought bubble over my head: Person Going through a Divorce. When I looked at other people, I automatically formed thought bubbles over their heads. Happy Couple with Stroller. Innocent Teenage Girl with Her Whole Life Ahead of Her. Content Grandmother and Grandfather Visiting Town Where Their Grandchildren Live with Intact Parents. Secure Housewife with Big Diamond. Undamaged Group of Young Men on Skateboards. Good Man with Baby in 18)Baby Bjorn Who Loves His Wife. Dogs Who Never Have to Worry. Young Kids Kissing Publicly. Then every so often I’d see one like me, one of the shambling, sad women without makeup, looking older than she is. Divorced Woman Wondering How the Fuck This Happened.
  I remember thinking, this just can’t last. Sooner or later my life is going to have to come back from the cleaners. I waited. I was not patient, but I waited. If there’d been someone in a position of authority to upbraid for this, I would have. I would have upbraided most severely.
  I asked my divorced friends, “How long?” “ Two years,” they said.
  “No no no no,” I thought.
  Time passed slowly, as when one is waiting for aspirin to work on one’s severed head.
  I got through the first Christmas. The first Valentine’s Day. The first wedding anniversary. The first divorce anniversary. The pain slowly eased up; the psychic damage was beginning, if not to disappear, then to 19)taper. I stopped wishing him dead, and started wishing him rich so he could send us more money. This did not happen.
  And then, just as my mother said it would happen, one day I walked down the street with my son and realized I felt happy. Out of the woods.
  When people say it takes two years, believe them. Statistically speaking, this is the point in time when one has gotten through it. There is some truth to thisÑalso some rather 20)flamboyant falsehoods, especially when you have a child running around wearing his face and yours, entwined forever: you have done this, it cannot be undone. You will always have children together; they will almost certainly outlive the marriage in terms of years. It’s beautiful and hard all at once. It’s marriage and its 21)Siamese twin, divorce. Divorce, which apparently has become the 22)antidote to marriage, although the jury is decidedly out. In the end, it’s just life.
  After a couple of years, you can appreciate your ex for who he is and realize that he is separate and distinct from you. You can feel a certain amount of warmth for him, as you do your 23)alma mater, or your car. You can love a car, but you do not attach yourself to the car. You do not buy little gifts for the car thinking you can be with the car over. You do not lose sleep over whether the car thinks you are attractive or if the car is thinking of you too, right now. You do not especially care whether someone else drives the car.
  Or, you can wait two years.

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