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袁花镇,这个仅有47.6平方公里的小镇,尽管地处偏僻,却是人杰地灵,武侠小说作家金庸就出生于斯。 在这个小小的镇上,还有一个颇有名气、深受群众欢迎的袁花志愿消防队。 这个与小镇一起成长发展的消防队,目前有留守人员3名,备有东风泡沫车、庐山轻便车、后三轮摩托车、侧三轮摩托车各一辆,25匹消防泵5台,风力灭火机3只,空气呼吸器3套,隔热服3套及一批通讯设备。乍一看,这个消防队给人的影响是马壮兵不强,但只要火警铃一响,无论白天黑夜、寒冬酷暑,义务消防人员都会纷纷迅速等侯在消防车经过的马路旁,随消防车前往火场灭火。 袁花消防队前身是个民间消防组织。解放初,称为人民消防总会。当时,仅有四条“水龙”。但在以后的日子里,这支队伍发展很快。1979年,队部将占地100多平方米的旧房翻建成二层楼。如今该队更是已成为装备精良、像模像样的消防队。这除了因当地政府一贯重视外,其队伍建设的路子走对了,也是一个重要原因。他们的队伍建设,走的是“骨干确定,寓兵于民”的路子。早在1957年《消防监督条例》颁布之时,这个镇就正式任命了一名专职消防人员,负责管袁花消防队。1966年至1971年,袁花消防队由镇里派出所临时管理。其间,也指定一名同志负责。现任队长刘寅德介绍说,他是1971年4月来队里负责? Yuanhua town, the town of only 47.6 square kilometers, although located in remote, but it is outstanding people, martial arts novelist Jin Yong was born in Sri Lanka. In this small town, there is a well-known, popular by the masses Yuanhua volunteer fire brigade. The fire brigade, which grew up with the town, currently has 3 left-behind staff, including one Dongfeng foam car, Lushan portable car, the latter three motorcycles and one side tri-wheel motorcycle, five fire pump pumps, 3 wind extinguishers, 3 sets of air respirators, 3 sets of thermal insulation clothing and a number of communications equipment. At first glance, this fire brigade gives the impression that the horse is not strong enough. However, as long as the fire alarm rings, no matter the day and night, the winter heats, volunteer firefighters will quickly wait beside the road where the fire engine passes, Car to the fire fighting. Yuanhua fire brigade predecessor is a civil fire organizations. Liberation early, known as the People’s Fire Association. At that time, only four “water dragon”. But in the days to come, this team has developed rapidly. In 1979, the team will cover an area of ​​more than 100 square meters of old houses turned into two floors. Now the team has become well-equipped, like a decent fire brigade. This is not only because the local government has always attached importance to its own ranks, it is also an important reason for its team building. Their team building, take the “backbone to determine, integrate soldiers in the people” approach. As early as 1957, “Fire Supervision Ordinance” promulgated, the town officially appointed a full-time firefighter, responsible for the management of fire hydrant. From 1966 to 1971, Yuanhua Fire Brigade was temporarily administered by the police station in the town. During this period, one comrade was also appointed. Current captain Liu Yinde said he was in 1971 in April responsible for the team?
这是一个成年人的故事。他强烈的心理冲突发生在27岁,原因却可追溯到童年,父母的无心之过给他的心灵造成了隐性而深刻的伤害。因此,这个故事值得年轻父母们深思。  痛不欲生的设计师  乐朋今年27岁,毕业于中央美术学院,从业珠宝造型设计仅仅4年就获奖无数,迅速成长为著名设计师。有人说,他是造型设计天才,未来的造型设计大师,还有人说,他的设计灵感来自于幽闭的个人生活。乐朋本人则对我说,他经常陷于自己的矛盾
健康人运动中心率/吸氧量(HR/VO_2)呈线性 关系,HR可代表其运动强度。但在伴有交感神经功能损害的四肢瘫患者,HR/VO_2关系未被确定。本研究旨在揭示四肢瘫患者坐卧位下使用