
来源 :农产品市场周刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong526
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展会概况 中国是一个农业大国,农产品出口在国民经济发展中占有突出重要的位置。肥料、农药、农业技术与设备在保证农业增产增收的过程中起到了十分重要的作用。举办此次展会,是为了吸收和引进国内外先进的农用肥料、农药、农业生产技术、工艺和设备,加强国内外同行之间的技术交流与合作,促进行业的技术进步和整体水平的提高,划,倾力打造行业盛会。展会将汇集国内外先进的农业生产资料,展示现代农业领域内的新技术、新成果、新设备,为广大农业从事者提供精良的农资产品,以提高农业的科技含量。展会以“现代农业与科技”为主题,以“交流贸易与合作”为宗旨,为广大农资经销商、代理商、涉农企业与机构提供一个采购与交易的商机、合作与发展的平 Exhibition Overview China is a big country in agriculture. Exports of agricultural products occupy a prominent position in the development of the national economy. Fertilizers, pesticides, agricultural technology and equipment have played a very important role in ensuring the increase of agricultural output and income. The exhibition was held to absorb and introduce advanced agricultural fertilizers, pesticides, agricultural production technologies, processes and equipment at home and abroad, strengthen technical exchanges and cooperation between domestic and foreign counterparts, and promote the technological progress and overall level of the industry. Plan to create an industry event. The exhibition will gather domestic and foreign advanced agricultural production materials, display new technologies, new achievements, and new equipment in the field of modern agriculture, and provide agricultural workers with excellent agricultural products to increase the scientific and technological content of agriculture. With the theme of “modern agriculture and science and technology” and the aim of “exchange trade and cooperation”, the fair provides a broad range of agricultural resources dealers, agents, and agro-businesses and institutions with a business opportunity for procurement and transaction, cooperation and development.
挥别大连,凝眸回望之际,我似 乎看到了自己伸延的足迹印满 了踏访的每一个角落,那上面细细密密地写满了两个字依恋。是的。大连美得令人无法拒绝。从天安门广场出发 10月 27日下午 3
做好平时征兵准备工作.是改进征兵工作的一项新举措。必须根据不同的时间阶段和特点.有针对性地抓好四项工作、确保当年征兵工 Preparing for peacetime recruitment is a
1.——我在这儿抽烟你介意吗?——好,抽吧!误:-Do you mind to smoke here?-Yes,please.正:-Do you mind my smoking here? 1. - Do you mind if I smoke here? - Yes, smok