
来源 :中国设备管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yueyegg
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同志们: 设备管理协会召开第三次年会,马仪同志让我参加会议。我想,我应该来。一是对你们召开的年会表示祝贺;二是设备管理协会原来是挂靠在国家经委,它的成立、工作和发展,大家一直是很关心的。设备管理协会从1982年成立到现在已经七年了。七年来,设备管理协会为推进我国设备管理现代化做了大量的工作,取得了显著的成绩。下面,我就设备管理问题讲几点意见,供同志们参考。 一、设备是主要的生产手段,是生产力向前发展的一个主要标志,没有设备与工具就说不上组织现代化大生产。由手工劳动发展为用机械劳动,这是人类社会生产力向前发展的一个根本性变化。自从人类用机械劳动以后,机械也不断发生变化,由机械化到电气化,由电气化发展到自动化,由自动化再进而发展为计算机化,生产力也就随着这种变化而突飞猛进地向前发展。必须看到这个变化,我们才能随着时代而继续前进。因此,我们既要看到设备在生产力当中的重要地位,又必须时时关注它的发展。 Comrades: The Equipment Management Association held its third annual meeting. Comrade Ma Yi asked me to attend the meeting. I think I should come. The first is to congratulate you on the annual meeting. The other is that the Equipment Management Association originally affiliated itself with the State Economic Commission. It has always been very concerned about its establishment, work and development. It has been seven years since the establishment of the Institute of Equipment Management in 1982. In the past seven years, the Equipment Management Association has done a great deal of work to advance the modernization of China’s equipment management and has achieved remarkable results. Below, I will make a few comments on equipment management issues for reference by comrades. First, equipment is the main means of production, and it is a major sign of the advancement of productivity. Without equipment and tools, it is impossible to organize large-scale production of modernization. The development from manual labor to mechanical labor is a fundamental change in the development of human productivity. Since humans have used mechanical labor, machinery has also undergone constant changes, from mechanization to electrification, from electrification to automation, and from automation to further computerization. Productivity has therefore evolved in tandem with this change. We must see this change and we can continue to advance with the times. Therefore, we must not only see the important position of equipment in productivity, but also must pay attention to its development from time to time.
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为便于广大水利学会会员与学会的联系,积极参与学术活动,现将广西水利学会第四届理事会各专业委员会委员名单公布如下: 1、勘测专业委员会:主任委员:吕祖弘;副主任委员:苏光
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中国制冷学会于4月13日至15日在无锡市召开全国团体会员会议。会议期间,中国制冷学会副秘书长曹德胜、郭予信和天津市制冷学会理事长张永铨教授,分别作了《关于 CFCs 与臭氧
在全国掀起一股“空调热”的形势下,不少地方和企业又步电冰箱生产后尘,出现了一哄而上的局面。但由于能源紧张,基建压缩,集团控购等因 In the situation where there has
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