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(1)以两支尖端裸露约0.5—0.8毫米的绝缘不锈钢针同时通电刺激麻醉家兔的右侧下丘脑背内侧核与视径两部位,方波刺激参数为波宽0.2毫秒、频率每秒50次,强度分为两级,弱刺激0.8—1.6毫安,强刺激4—8毫安,每次刺激5分钟,间隔1—3分钟,经5—8次刺激(多数为2次弱刺激、3次强刺激)后可以获得较持久而稳定的以 ST段压低为主要特征的缺血性心电波形。(2)在42例急性实验中,32例经一次弱刺激5分钟后即表现明显的心电图变化,其中15例呈明显 ST 段压低,7例 ST 段抬高,5例先表现 T 波倒置或变平,3例先表现 T 波增高。随着刺激次数增多与强度增强,最后均出现持久而稳定的 ST 段压低。 (3)切断脊髓使 ST 段压低与 T 波倒置的程度减轻,切断迷走神经见 T 波倒置加深。(4)吸入亚硝酸异戊酯与注射菊花液等能改善 ST 段压低的程度,故这种缺血性心电变化可用作测试抗心绞痛药物的一种动物模型。 (1) Two insulated stainless steel needles with tips exposed at about 0.5-0.8 mm were energized simultaneously to stimulate the dorsal medial hypothalamic nucleus and the visual field in anesthetized rabbits. The square wave stimulus parameters were wave width 0.2 ms, frequency per second 50 times, the intensity is divided into two levels, weak stimulation 0.8-1.6 mA, strong stimulation 4-8 mA, each stimulation for 5 minutes, 1-3 minutes intervals, 5-8 stimulation (mostly 2 times weak stimulation , 3 strong stimuli) can be more durable and stable with ST-segment depression as the main characteristic of ischemic ECG waveform. (2) In 42 acute cases, 32 patients showed obvious ECG changes after a weak stimulation for 5 minutes, 15 cases showed obvious ST segment depression, 7 cases showed ST-segment elevation, 5 cases showed T wave inversion or Flattening, T-wave performance increased in 3 cases first. With the increase in the number of stimuli and intensity, finally there is a lasting and stable ST segment depression. (3) cut off the spinal cord so that the ST segment depression and T wave reduce the degree of reduction, cut off the vagus nerve see T wave inversion deeper. (4) inhalation of isoamyl nitrite and injection of chrysanthemum liquid can improve the extent of ST-segment depression, so this ischemic ECG changes can be used as an animal model of anti-anginal drugs.
As the magnetoelectric (ME) effect in piezoelectric/magnetostrictive laminated composites is mediated by mechanical deformation, the ME effect is significantly
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目的 分析急性心肌梗死(AMI)患者梗死相关动脉自发再通现象的临床和造影特点,并观察其对患者30天预后的影响.方法连续入选112例未予静脉溶栓、直接行急诊冠状动脉造影及急诊经皮冠状动脉介入治疗的ST段抬高的AMI患者,根据心肌梗死溶栓治疗临床试验(TIMI)血流分为自发再通组31例(前向血流TIMI 2~3级)和非自发再通组81例(前向血流TIMI 0~1级),分析其临床、造影、经皮冠状动脉介入治