Plasma free amino acid profiling of esophageal cancer using high-performance liquid chromatography s

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mad1979
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AIM:To perform plasma free amino acid(PFAA)profiling of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma(ESCC)patients at different pathological stages and healthy subjects.METHODS:Plasma samples from ESCC patients(n=51)and healthy control adults(n=60)were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography(HPLC).The ESCC patients included moderate/poorly-differentiation(n=24),lymph node metastasis(n=17)and clinical stage>Ib2(n=36).Partial least squares discriminant analysis was performed to demonstrate that the PFAA metabolic patterns enabled discrimination between ESCC patients and controls,and the Student t test was applied to assess significant differences in PFAA concentrations between the two groups.RESULTS:There were significant differences in the PFAA profiles between controls and ESCC patients.Compared with healthy controls,the levels of Asp,Glu,Gly,His,Thr,Tau,Ala,Met,Ile,Leu,and Phe were decreased in ESCC patients,but Cys was increased.There exists a strong correlation between PFAA profiles and clinicopathological characteristics in ESCC patients.The levels of many PFAAs(i.e.,Glu,Asp,Ser,Gly,Tau,Ala,Tyr,Val,Ile,and Leu)were related to pathological grading,lymph node metastasis,and ESCC clinical stage.Very good discrimination between ESCC patients and control subjects was achieved by multivariate modeling of plasma profiles.CONCLUSION:HPLC-based plasma profiling analysis was shown to be an effective approach to differentiate between ESCC patients and controls.PFAA profiles may have potential value for screening or diagnosing ESCC. AIM: To perform plasma free amino acid (PFAA) profiling of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) patients at different pathological stages and healthy subjects. METHODS: Plasma samples from ESCC patients (n = 51) and healthy control adults were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) .The ESCC patients were moderately / poorly-differentiated (n = 24), lymph node metastasis (n = 17) and clinical stage> Ib2 analysis was performed to demonstrate that the the PFAA metabolic patterns enabled discrimination between ESCC patients and controls, and the Student t test was applied to assess significant differences in PFAA concentrations between the two groups .RESULTS: There were significant differences in the PFAA profiles between controls and ESCC patients. Compared with healthy controls, the levels of Asp, Glu, Gly, His, Thr, Tau, Ala, Met, Ile, Leu, and Phe were decreased in ESCC patients, but Cys was increased. There exists a strong correlation between PFAA profile s and clinicopathological characteristics in ESCC patients. The levels of many PFAAs (ie, Glu, Asp, Ser, Gly, Tau, Ala, Tyr, Val, Ile, and Leu were related to pathological grading, lymph node metastasis, and ESCC clinical stage.Very good discrimination between ESCC patients and control subjects was achieved by multivariate modeling of plasma profiles.CONCLUSION: HPLC-based plasma profiling analysis was shown to be effective approach to differentiate between ESCC patients and controls. PFAA profiles may have potential value for screening or diagnosing ESCC.
目的 了解2013-2017年北京市门头沟区猩红热病例分布特征,为猩红热的预防和控制提供科学依据.方法 采用描述流行病学方法 对来源于中国疾病监测信息报告管理系统的猩红热疫情
摘 要 通过对中国足协,国际足联的《球员身份及转会规则》,《博斯曼法案》等国内外先关转会制度和中国足球转会个案的研究,对中国足球转会制度的改革提出一些建议和看法,以期转会制度更加的合理、完善、规范。  关键词 足球 职业联赛 转会  一、中国足球职业联赛转会个案分析  北京时间2009年2月6日下午,深陷转会风波的周海滨现身上海,在中方经纪人代表罗曼的陪同下举办了一个小型新闻发布会。由此引发了关于
摘 要 国家在有关学校体育教学的文件和要求中,多次强调要保证学生每天1个小时的锻炼时间,而仅从体育课的课时来看国内高校几乎没有能够达到这一要求的,本文通过问卷调查对广西民族大学相思湖学院和主校区320名普通大学生的课外体育活动进行现状调查(发放问卷320份,回收294份,其中男生154份,女生140份,问卷的回收率为91.9%),以便了解和掌握大学生参加课外体育活动的现状并提出相应的对策,探索新时
摘 要 学校体育是学校教育重要的、有机的、不可缺少的组成部分,对于培养德智体等几个方便全面发展的社会主义事业的建设者具有重要的、不可取代的作用。而课余训练又是学校体育的组成部分,开展好课余训练工作对于推动体育活动的开展,培养体育骨干,发现和培养体育后备人才,具有积极的作用,而我国目前有75%中小学生在农村接受教育,那么开展好农村学校的课余体育训练对于中国的体育人才的贮备和培养有着重要的作用。本文就
DG/FV 混合方法因其具有紧致性、易于推广至高阶及相比同阶 DGM 计算量、存储量小等优点,已成功应用于一维/二维标量方程和 Euler 方程的求解。在此基础上,将该方法推广于二维三
摘 要 残疾人羽毛球的不断成熟和深远影响力为其加入残奥会带来了曙光,但同时也面临困难和阻力,通过分析进军残奥会的优势和劣势,为其加入到残奥会提供参考性的意见。  关键词 残疾人 羽毛球 残奥会  一、残疾人羽毛球的发展现状  羽毛球运动20世纪传入中国,一直都是我国的优势项目,而残疾人羽毛球发展较晚,其比赛开始于1995年即第一届残疾人羽毛球锦标赛是残疾人羽毛球最高赛事,每两年举办一次,起初参与的
摘 要 跑步属于最简单的体育运动。体育的作用之一就是强化体能,锻炼学生的意志力。现在很多学校害怕学生体质素质低下,废除了长跑,这其实是因噎废食。跑步是一项简单而有效的全身性体育锻炼,能很好的促进人的骨骼生长,增强心肺功能,改善血液循环。跑步不同于其他运动项目,在日常生活中,跑步可以随时随地进行,不需要器材,只需要你自觉的动起来。跑步不仅仅是一项运动,其中存在着很多哲理。  关键词 跑步 运动 哲理
目的 探讨石家庄市肺结核发生耐药相关危险因素,为耐药肺结核的临床防治提供相关的理论依据.方法 收集石家庄市121例肺结核耐药病人和149例非耐药病人的资料(性别、年龄、居