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钢丝绳是各种林用架空索道的重要的基本组成部分,它的状况好坏直接关系到架空索道的性能与是否安全。然而,在过去对钢丝绳的选择、使用、管理以及报废等问题,没有一个统一规定,大多均由各林场(伐木场)或其上级主管机关自己制定一个使用办法。这些办法是多种多样的:有的以完成生产量为标准,如福建溪后伐木场规定一条承载索需完成6千m~3木材,广东有的林区规定每条承载索需完成1万m~3木材,牵引索完成1千m~3木材,有的以钢丝绳每条断头数为标准;福建省林业厅制定了《林用架空索道钢丝绳消耗标准》即按不同用途规定生产1立方米木材消耗钢系绳数量的标准等。这些规定多是从使用与管理角度制订的,而未从把钢丝 Rope rope is a variety of forest ropeway an important basic component of its condition is directly related to the performance of the ropeway and whether it is safe. However, in the past, there was no uniform regulation on the selection, use, management and scrapping of wire ropes. Mostly, each tree farm (logging yard) or its superior authority established a method of using it. These measures are varied: some are based on the completion of production. For example, Fujian Houxi Logging Fence will require 6,000 m ~ 3 lumber to be carried on one carrying rope. Some forest areas in Guangdong require that each carrying rope be completed with 10,000 m ~ 3 timber, traction cable to complete 1 thousand m ~ 3 timber, and some to the number of each wire rope as the standard; Fujian Provincial Department of Forestry developed a “forest ropeway rope consumption standards” that is required by the production of 1 cubic Meters of timber consumption of steel tether number of standards. These provisions are mostly from the use and management point of view, and not from the wire
本文介绍用高速钢钻头和立铣刀对镍基超耐热合金和高锰非磁性钢的加工。 超耐热合金 耐热合金大致可分为三种,即镍基、钴基、铁基合金,亦称为超耐热合金。其中,因科内尔合金*
The chemical ionization mass spectra of ten different glucosinolates isolated from rapeseed have been studied. More intense diagnoshc ions were identified than
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最高能卖到6000多元的2匹空调柜机,成本到底是多少钱?日前,华高空调公司把它卖到了1980元。华高空调总经理黎同柱还同时摊牌:“2匹柜机的材料成本也就是在1800到2000元之 U
下班刚回到家,儿子就仰着小脸跑了过来:“妈妈妈妈,我给你讲个笑话吧!”我不禁皱眉。  最近不知怎么了,儿子迷上了讲笑话,看到我就要给我讲,而且一个接一个地讲,我不胜其烦。  看我不理会,他跺着脚嚷:“你到底听还是不听呀?”  “不听。”我大声回他,转身进了厨房。转身的一刹那,我看见儿子一脸哭相地瘪了瘪嘴。我知道他生气了,无奈地摇了摇头。这孩子,我忙了一天,回到家还得操心做饭炒菜,哪有心思听你讲那些
By using a micro|bomb calorimeter, the standard enthalpies of combustion of C 60 and C 70 have been determined to be -(25 947.1±8.5) and -(29 956.1±