来源 :Chinese Journal of Reactive Polymers | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Yxiaowanzi
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Acylation reaction of anthracene with oxalyl chloride in the presence of [Emim]C1-A1C13 ionic liquid has been investigated. Pure 1,2-aceanthryenedione, which is used as intermediate of functional aromatic polymer material, was obtained by recrystalling the reaction mixture with aether and was determined by GC/MS, 1HNMR and FTIR analysis. The influences of various parameters, such as the contents of AlCl3 in [Emim]C1-A1C13, the amount of acylation agent, amount of [Emim]C1-A1C13, reaction temperature and reaction time were investigated. The optimum conditions were as follows: the molar fraction of A1C13 in ionic liquid [x(AlCl3)] being 0.67 , molar ratio of ionic liquid to anthracene being 2:1 , molar ratio of oxalyl chloride to anthracene being 2:1, reaction temperature being 40℃ and reaction time being 6h. Under above conditions, the yield and selectivity of 1,2-aceanthrylenedione can reach 91.5% and 98.3% respectively. Further more, [Emim]C1-A1C13 ionic liquid, compared with metal halides such as AlCl3, was found to catalyze the reaction as a novel environmental friendly catalyst and solvent and can be reused. Acylation reaction of anthracene with oxalyl chloride in the presence of [Emim] C1-A1C13 ionic liquid has been investigated. Pure 1,2-aceanthryenedione, which is used as intermediate of functional aromatic polymer material, was obtained by recrystallizing the reaction mixture with aether The influences of various parameters, such as the contents of AlCl3 in [Emim] C1-A1C13, the amount of acylation agent, amount of [Emim] C1-A1C13, reaction temperature the reaction conditions were investigated. The optimum conditions were as follows: the molar fraction of A1C13 in ionic liquid [x (AlCl3)] being 0.67, molar ratio of ionic liquid to anthracene being 2: 1, molar ratio of oxalyl chloride to anthracene being 2: 1, reaction temperature being 40 ℃ and reaction time being 6h. Under above conditions, the yield and selectivity of 1,2-aceanthrylenedione can reach 91.5% and 98.3% respectively. Further more, [Emim] C1-A1C13 ionic liquid, compared with metal halides such as AlCl3, was found to catalyze the reaction as a novel environmental friendly catalyst and solvent and can be reused.
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