
来源 :中国水利 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:slayerwei
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目前自流灌区广泛采用畦灌和沟灌,在增产节水上发挥了巨大作用。但是,从挖沟,修埂、投工、占地等方面来看却都存在一些问题,尤其目前农村实行联产承包责任制后.为了多种地,畦不修埂,沟窄且浅,灌水经常是大水(?)灌,这对生产都十分不利。地下管道浸润灌溉则避免了上述缺陷,特别是砂姜黑土地实行渗灌渗排、排灌同道,更为有利。 At present, the poplar irrigation and furrow irrigation are widely used in the gravity irrigation area, which has played a significant role in increasing the output and saving water. However, there are some problems from the aspects of trenching, repairing, construction and land occupation, especially after the implementation of the system of contract responsibility for remuneration under the contract of production in rural areas. Often it is floodwater, which is very detrimental to production. Underground pipe infiltration irrigation is to avoid the above shortcomings, especially sand Jiang black soil infiltration seepage drainage, drainage and irrigation, with more favorable.
民生是今年“两会”的主旋律,《政府工作报告》为全国人民送来了一份长长的大礼单—— People’s livelihood is the main theme of the “two sessions” this year. The
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