The Study on Tourism Destination Marketing and Competitiveness Enhancement Strategy Shan Gengzhi

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  【Abstract】This paper analyses the tourism resources, location resources and tourism infrastructure sources, as well as discussing the effective way to promote tourism destination marketing, so as to enhance the competitiveness of the tourism destination and keep the continuous development of tourism industry.
  【Key words】tourism destination; marketing; competitiveness
  【作者簡介】Shan Gengzhi, Tourism College of Zhejiang, Hangzhou, Zhejiang; Gu Jianping, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, Jiangsu.
  Ⅰ.The meaning of tourism marketing
  Tourism marketing is oriented by the analysis, planning, execution, feedback and control of such a process.It coordinates various tourism economic activities to achieve the economic and social objectives on purpose of satisfying tourists and making enterprises profitable.
  Ⅱ. Characteristics of tourism marketing
  1. Service
  Excluding specific tourism commodities and without the transfer of property rights, providing tourism products is essentially a kind of service. Consumers not only pay attention to the hardware facilities of the service, but also pay attention to the high quality of service brought by the service.
  2. Participatory
  The production and supply of tourism products in the tourism market coincide with consumers’ behaviors in time and space. Therefore, tourism marketing is in fact a dynamic process involving tourists in stages. How to keep tourists’ timely interaction is an important part of marketing work.
  3. Timeliness
  Tourism market has a certain timeliness and seasonal characteristics, shall not be transferred and stored. Production facilities are in the form of objects which means in time to satisfy consumers in time, otherwise, it can’t be redeemed and will be wasted.
  4. Variability
  Tourism consumption is a process composed of a variety of specific consumption behaviors, and tourism service is also a continuous process of specific behaviors. Most of the tourism products provided are not real objects, so it is difficult to standardize the services provided.
  Ⅲ. Analysis of problems existing in tourism marketing in China
  1. Extensive tourism growth model and marketing concept lag
  At present, China’s tourism growth is mainly driven by the expansion of tourist attractions and hype of tourism concepts. As for the in-depth exploration of tourism products, innovation of tourism service concepts, improvement of tourism planning and tourism service facilities, even the basic quality of tourism practitioners still needs to be improved urgently.   2. Blind price reduction competition exists in marketing
  Many travel agencies use price cuts as their main competitive means. However, if such marketing strategy is used for a long time, it will only affect the product image of tourism enterprises and damage their own interests. Worse still, it will indirectly damage the tourist destination image.
  3. Weakness of legal awareness in tourism marketing
  Some tourism enterprises provide false tourism service information for tourists, attract customers by means of bribery, vilifying the reputation of other tourism enterprises, and some even use the brand of other tourism enterprises.
  Ⅳ. Effective ways to improve tourism destination marketing
  1. Pay attention to accurate positioning of tourist destinations
  In the process of marketing, tourist destinations should combine their own resources and cultural characteristics, regional advantages and resource advantages.On the basis of understanding the positioning of the competitors, find the differences, accurately position themselves and improve the popularity of the tourist destination, so as to attract more tourists.
  2. Building tourism destination branding
  In order to further enhance their market competitiveness, tourism destinations should focus on building brand of tourism destinations.On the one hand, tourism destinations should pay attention to image advertising.Tourist activities and consumption more abstract than physical commodity purchase and consumption of image features, the tourism destinations should pay attention to the design of image advertising and publicity, using television media of visual, real-time and universal image propaganda and other tools for tourism image promotion.
  Ⅴ. Conclusion
  Tourism resources, and tourism infrastructure are the main sources of market competitiveness of tourism destinations.In order to enhance market competitiveness, tourism destinations should pay attention to the accurate positioning of tourism destinations, and at the same time, establish the brand of tourism destinations to promote the continuous development of tourism.
  [1]Li Tianyuan,Qu Ying. Tourism marketing[M].Rennin University of China Press,2012,12.
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引言  小学英语教学能让学生感知英语带来的快乐,能让学生在能力与素养上都有所生长。但由于种种原因,在教学过程中也出现了一些“弱势群体”。这些学生在互动交流时不积极主动地发言,在默写时写不出几个单词。他们几乎将英语学习当成一种负担,很少看到他们在课上有灿烂的笑容。教师要面向全体学生,在课堂上给他们以笑声、赞许声、惊讶声,促成改变他们原先的学习状态,进而听到他们前进的脚步声。  一、运用多种教学方式,
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