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本文以微波膨胀梗丝为研究对象,分析了其掺配量对烟支主流烟气指标包括抽吸口数、焦油、烟碱及一氧化碳的影响,并与传统梗丝掺配样品进行对比。结果表明:(滤嘴通风、13%掺配量时,“微波膨胀梗丝掺配样品”较“传统梗丝掺配样品”的抽吸口数增加0.18口/支,焦油量降低0.867 mg/支,烟碱量降低0.055 mg/支,一氧化碳降低0.726 mg/支;②接装纸不通风时,随梗丝掺配比例增加,传统梗丝掺配样品的抽吸口数有成比例降低趋势,而微波梗丝掺配样品的抽吸口数基本保持在7.7口/支不变;③较传统梗丝掺配样品,试验条件下6组微波膨胀梗丝掺配样品的吸阻均值高51 Pa;④微波膨胀梗丝的自由燃烧速率略低于传统梗丝,分别为11.51 mm·min-1、12.04 mm·min-1;⑤微波膨胀梗丝降低焦油、一氧化碳的效果均优于传统梗丝,焦油、一氧化碳释放量均值分别降低0.4 mg/支、1.0 mg/支,降低烟碱的效果略低于传统梗丝。“,”The article focused on the industrialized microwave expanded cut stem and discussed its blending usage on the influence of releasing amount of mainstream smoke. Under the same conditions,a comparative study with the traditional stem was developed including the releasing of the tar,nicotine and CO in mainstream smoke and puff number. The results showed that:When filtering ventilation and the blending rate was 13%,comparing with the cigarette with traditional cut stem,the puff number of cigarette with microwave expanded cut stem was 0. 18 puff/cig more,and the releasing amount of tar,nicotine and CO were respectively 0. 876 mg/cig,0. 055mg/cig,0. 726mg/cig less. When the cigarette paper permeability was zero,releasing amount of tar,nicotine were de-crease with increasing blending rate. Besides that,for cigarette with traditional cut stem,the puff number was inversely proportion to the blending rate. The mean value of draw resistance of cigarette with microwave expanded cut stem was 51 Pa higher than the tradi-tional one and the rate of free combustion was slightly lower. But for the cigarette with microwave expanded cut stem,the puff num-ber was not changed with the increasing of blending rate,which said that the burning rate of microwave expanded cut stem was the same as the cut tobacco. In a word,the cigarette with microwave expanded cut stem has more puff numbers and better reducing tar and CO effect compared with the traditional one.
(一) 当前的采矿工业要依靠开采低品位的资源,但在许多情况下,用重力法回收细粒级砂矿的效率仍然很低,很大一部分细粒砂矿作为尾矿废弃,最显著的是含胶泥的细粒级砂钖矿的选
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一、概述 在西德埋藏深度达1300米的煤层,仍采用长壁法进行开采。1977年统计的平均采深为830米,目前,工作面的深度还在逐年增加。在这种标高下,地压的影响开始显著增大,给采