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漆树是我国著名的特产,也是一种多用途的特种经济林木,在我省分布甚广。随着我国四个现代化建设的进展,生漆的用途愈益广阔,需要量日益增加。为此,必须大力发展新的漆树资源,为国家提供更多的生漆。一、宝鸡地区漆树资源消长失调,发展漆树是当务之急宝鸡地区是六山一水三分田,秦岭、关山、千山横贯其中,南北遥望,林业资源极其丰富。野生漆树分布普遍,多集中于太白、凤县、陇县、眉县和宝鸡县的山区,年产生漆曾达4,500多担,占全省1/5, Lacquer tree is a famous specialty in our country, but also a multi-purpose special economic forest, widely distributed in our province. With the progress of the four modernizations in our country, the use of lacquer has become more and more widespread and the need for it has been increasing. To this end, we must vigorously develop new resources of lacquer tree, for the country to provide more lacquer. First, the volatility of Lacquer resources in Baoji region, the development of lacquer trees is the top priority Baoji area is six mountains and one water Miantian, Qinling, Guanshan, Qianshan run through them, overlooking the North and South, the forest resources are extremely rich. Wild Lac is widespread and more concentrated in the mountainous areas of Taibai, Fengxian, Longxian, Meixian and Baoji. The annual production of lacquer has reached over 4,500 tons, accounting for 1/5 of the province’s total.
在偶氮二异丁腈(2,2′–azobisisobutyronitrile,AIBN)引发下,研究液态超支化聚碳硅烷(hyperbranched polycarbosilane,HBPCS)的无氧热交联,考察交联温度、AIBN用量以及时间
兰州市、白银市将实施中心带动发展战略,打造“兰白都市经济圈”。建设“兰白都市经济圈”是甘肃省确定的区域发展战略的重要组成部分。兰州市围绕推进“兰白 Lanzhou City,
本文对多模梯度光纤的γ辐照带宽变化进行了研究,对光纤辐照带宽减小的原因进行了分析和讨论。对本文结果与参考文献的结果进行了比较和讨论。 In this paper, the change o
这里是一个灵魂改造所。时时刻刻,都会有一双双眼睛,关注在押人员灵魂的跳动;有一颗颗热切的心,不让在押人员感到孤单;还会有一盏盏灯,永远亮着,照亮在押人员回家的路。 Her
对于一般的电脑使用者,超频似乎显得很复杂。实际上,只要您有正确的知识,配上合适的设备,就很容易达到目的。 Overclocking seems complicated for average computer users.
Purpose: To review the clinical, radiologic, serologic, histopathologic, immunohistochemical, and molecular genetic features of patients having Sjgren’s synd