
来源 :中国原子能科学研究院年报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:akajewelz
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2006年,“天光一号”准分子激光装置运行状态基本良好,主要承担总装“军口863”的重点项目,开展核爆模拟的高压状态方程实验研究和惯性约束聚变基础研究,同时还承担部分自然 In 2006, the operation status of “Tianguang-1” excimer laser device was basically good. It mainly undertook the key projects of the assembly “Junkou 863”, carried out the experimental research on the high-pressure equation of state of the nuclear explosion simulation and the basic research on the inertial confinement fusion. At the same time, natural
Power control is an important part in the CSR control system.The digital adjuster is just designed for the power control.It is based on the state-space equation
LAPECR1(Lanzhou All Permanent magnet ECR ion source No.1)is an all permanent magnet ECR ion source designed to be operated at 1 4.5 GHz to produce intense low a
According to the criteria of radioactive wastes, intermediate and low-level radioactive solid waste produced in nuclear fuel recycle must be characterized for n
[摘 要] 随着经济结构进入新常态,多元化的国际市场为高职院校国际商务相关专业发展提供了机遇,也提出了新的要求。通过对高职国际商务专业群的专业设置和课程体系做综合分析,探讨课程与专业布局之间存在的关系与问题,提出调整专业群内部英语课程体系改革的必要性和对策,为高职国际商务专业群的课程布局改革建言,使之更合理地对接福建自贸区人才的需求。  [关 键 词] 国际商务;专业群;课程体系改革  [中图分类
Our first series of experiments yielded an upper limit of 3×10~(-5)for theα-decay branch of ~(239)Cm produced in the ~(12)C+~(232)Th reaction.In these experim