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众所周知,中国传统文化是一种“生命典范”的文化类型。如果说中国传统生命文化的精神在于万物生生与共,则“多元通和”的文化生态可以看作是万象共生之中国传统文化精神的具体展开与呈现。“多元通和”观体现出一种文化自觉,它肯定文化之间的不同,并在此基础上推动文化之间的多源性综合与多样性互动,最终促成了中华“文化的共生体”的生成。在城市化这一当代中国深刻的社会文化变迁的历史进程中,作为城市共生精神的具体呈现,健康可持续的城市文化生态建设已经刻不容缓。在多元通和、美美与共的基础上将中华文化与内外文化打通、互补、共进,是新时期文化自觉的表现,它有助于我们博采众长,更好地着眼于城市现实问题的研究与创造,也有助于我们和传统更加深刻地相互理解,和世界共同提高。 As we all know, Chinese traditional culture is a “type of life” cultural type. If we say that the spirit of Chinese traditional life culture lies in the coexistence and development of all things, the cultural ecology of “pluralism and harmony” can be regarded as the concrete expansion and presentation of the spirit of traditional Chinese culture coexisting in Vientiane. The concept of “pluralism and equality” embodies a kind of cultural consciousness that affirms the differences among cultures and on the basis of which it promotes the interaction and integration of multi-sourced cultures and cultures, which eventually leads to the development of the Chinese culture Symbiosis "generation. In the historical process of urbanization, a profound social and cultural change in contemporary China, as a concrete manifestation of the spirit of urban symbiosis, a healthy and sustainable urban cultural and ecological construction has become an urgent task. It is the performance of cultural consciousness in the new era that the Chinese culture and the internal and external cultures are opened up, complemented and progressed on the basis of diversification and harmony with the United States and the United States. It helps us learn from others and better focus on the research and creation of urban realities , But also helps us to understand each other more deeply and with the world and improve together with the rest of the world.