Synthesis, Crystal Structure and Electrochemical Properties of [Ni(phen)_3]·(m-nitrobenzoic acid)_2·

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A new nickel(II) coordination complex [Ni(phen)3]·(m-nitrobenzoic acid)2·(H2O) was synthesized by self-assembly of m-nitrobenzoic acid, 1,10-phenanthroline and nickelous per- chlorate. It crystallizes in the monoclinic system, space group C2/c, with a = 2.4596(6), b = 1.2124(3), c = 1.9824(5) nm, β = 97.088(5)o, V = 5.866(3) nm3, Dc = 1.474 g/cm3, Z = 4, Mr = 1301.82, μ(MoKα) = 0.417 mm-1 F(000) = 2688, R = 0.0493 and wR = 0.1025. Structural deter- mination indicates that the nickel(II) ion is coordinated with six nitrogen atoms from three phens, giving a distorted octahedral coordination geometry. The cyclic voltametric analysis shows that the electron transfer in the electrode reaction is irreversible. A new nickel (II) coordination complex [Ni (phen) 3] · (m-nitrobenzoic acid) 2 · (H2O) was synthesized by self-assembly of m- nitrobenzoic acid, 1,10-phenanthroline and nickelous perchlorate. It crystallizes in the monoclinic system, space group C2 / c with a = 2.4596 (6), b = 1.2124 (3), c = 1.9824 (5) nm, β = 97.088 (5) (3) nm3 Dc = 1.474 g / cm3 Z = 4 Mr = 1301.82 μ MoKα = 0.417 mm-1 F000 = 2688 R = 0.0493 and wR = 0.1025 Structural deter- mination indicates that the nickel ( II) ion is coordinated with six nitrogen atoms from three phens, giving a distorted octahedral coordination geometry. The cyclic voltametric analysis shows that the electron transfer in the electrode reaction is irreversible.
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