
来源 :英语沙龙(实战版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaoniaohk
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翻译是架构两种语言文化的桥梁,也是学习语言的途径,同时也是检验、提高语言水平的手段。如何从固有的母语思维方式中挣脱出来,如何将本族文化与外来文化接轨,如何在两科语言、两种文化中灵活转换,都是译者要考虑的问题。提到语言技能,我们常讲听、说、读、写,听、读是语言的输入,说、写是语言的输出;而翻译呢,既是语言的输入也是输出,但要想做到真正的“出入”自如,则须要兼备两种语言的功力。为了帮助读者提高翻译能力,我们推出“翻译讲坛”栏目,每期向读者介绍一篇汉英译文。 Translation is the bridge between two languages ​​and cultures. It is also a way to learn a language. It is also a means to test and improve the language level. How to break away from the inherent native language thinking, how to integrate the native culture with the foreign culture, and how to make a flexible transition between the two languages ​​and the two cultures are all issues that the translator must consider. When it comes to language skills, we often talk about listening, speaking, reading and writing. Listening and reading are the input of language. Speaking and writing are the output of language. And translation is both the input and output of language, but we want to be real. If you are “in and out” freely, you need to have the skills of both languages. In order to help readers improve their translation skills, we have introduced the “Translation Forum” section, which introduces readers to a Chinese-English translation.
【正】 With double digit demand for new automobiles and other,heavy industrial manufactured goods,the Dow PerformanCe Fluids business is introducing UCON<sup>TM
第一章道可道,非常道;名可名,非常名。无名,天地之始;有名,万物之母。故,常无,欲以观其妙;常有,欲以观其窍。此两者同出而异名,同谓之玄。玄之又玄,众妙之门。 The first ch
一、出口导向与超大国经济的不适性和出口换汇是经济发展的必然抉择(一) 我国经济不宜采用出口导向型贸易发展战略。大国经济具有较小的对外贸易份额。对外贸易份额随国家规
According to a report by the National Development and Reform Commission,China produced 120800 tons of rare earth mineral products in 2007,a drop of 8.83% from
多年来,各级政府始终坚持把妥善安置 军转干部作 为一 项紧迫重要的政治任务来完成。为确保军转安置渠道畅通,做了大量工作,探索和创新了许多安置办法,量化积分安置方式就是