在我们技术监督战线有一大批优秀女性,她们在各自岗位上辛勤耕耘,忘我工作,默默奉献,为发展我国技术监督事业和四化建设做出了卓越贡献,这里介绍的就是其中一位代表,被誉为“女强人”的领导干部——本溪市技术监督局局长周永龄。 周永龄是1968年毕业于北京大学物理系的高才生,在史无前例的年代,被分配到本溪钢铁公司焦化厂,当了一名仪表工。这位北京出生的姑娘,在本钢经过17年的艰苦磨炼,一步一个脚印,从工人走上了厂
There are a large number of outstanding women in our technical supervision front. They work hard in their respective posts, work selflessly and silently, and have made outstanding contributions to the development of China’s technological supervision and the construction of the “Four Modernizations.” One of the representatives here is introduced. Known as the “strong woman” leading cadres - Benxi City Technical Supervision Zhou Yongling. Zhou Yongling graduated from Peking University Physics Department in 1968. He was assigned to Benxi Iron and Steel Coke Plant as an instrumentation engineer in an unprecedented era. The Beijing-born girl, after 17 years of hard work and training at Bengang, stepped onto the factory step by step