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骨的原发性平滑肌肉瘤非常罕见,作者遇见1例,报告如下: 患者男性,26岁,住院号26218。右小腿中段肿块疼痛,进行性加剧4个月。患者自幼即发现右小腿中段前缘一肿块隆起,无任何不适。4月前开始肿块增大、疼痛、负重时疼痛加剧。拟为“骨肿瘤”,考虑手术治疗,于1986年2月27日入院。 体检:一般情况好。右胫骨中1/3处前缘肿块约5×4cm,质硬,固定,边缘欠清,与胫骨关系密切。有压痛,皮肤正常,局部血管不怒张,皮温不高,腹股沟淋巴结无肿大,纵向叩击痛阴性。X线照片示右胫骨中段向前弯曲,呈弓弦状,成角约30度左右,骨皮质增厚,中央有骨质破坏,范围10cm左右,无骨膜 The primary leiomyosarcoma of the bone is very rare. The author encountered one case and the report is as follows: The patient was male, 26 years old, hospital number 26218. The middle leg of the right calf was painful and progressively worsened for 4 months. The patient discovered a bump in the front edge of the middle leg of the right calf from childhood, without any discomfort. Increased mass, pain, and weight began to worsen before April. To be considered as a “bone neoplasm”, considering surgery, he was admitted to hospital on February 27, 1986. Physical examination: Generally good. The anterior mass in the middle 1/3 of the right sacrum was about 5 × 4 cm, hard and fixed, and the border was less clear, closely related to the sacrum. There was tenderness, normal skin, local vascular engorgement, skin temperature was not high, inguinal lymph nodes were not swollen, and longitudinal spasm was negative. The X-ray photograph shows that the middle segment of the right humerus bends forward and is arched. The angulation is about 30 degrees. The cortical bone is thickened, and the bone in the center is destroyed. The range is about 10cm. There is no periosteum.
我科自1983年3月至1985年7月,以肝叶切除治疗原发性肝癌14例,现将有关资料报告如下并对有关问题加以讨论。 临床资料: In our department from March 1983 to July 1985, 1
应用完全静脉营养(Total parenteralNutrition—TpN)的疗法是从20世纪40年代开始,到60年代,由于Dudrick成功地经由中心静脉注入高张糖液,Wretlind开发了副作用小的脂肪乳剂,