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中职学校虽然致力于培养汽修专业的实用型人才,但大部分中职学校的汽修专业教学仍然存在着许多的问题,另外,汽修专业的学习课程具有高难度和抽象性的特点,所以非常有必要将“理实一体化”的教学方法带入到中职学生的汽修专业课程的教学中来确定一套切实可行的教学模式,使中职院校的整体教育水平得到进步和提升。本文针对中职汽修专业课教学中“理实一体化”的教学模式和方法进行了一番深入的探究与分析,希望能为我国中职院校的汽修专业教育带来一些新的思路。 Although vocational schools are dedicated to cultivating practical talents in auto repair, most auto repair teaching in vocational schools still have many problems. In addition, auto repair major is characterized by high difficulty and abstraction, Therefore, it is very necessary to bring the teaching method of “Realistic Integration ” into the teaching of auto-professional courses for secondary vocational students to determine a set of practicable teaching mode so that the overall education level of secondary vocational colleges will be Progress and promotion. In this paper, a thorough investigation and analysis is made on the teaching model and method of “Integrative Realism” in the teaching of auto mechanics courses in vocational schools, hoping to bring some new ideas to the auto mechanics professional education in secondary vocational schools Ideas.
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