加强理论学习,提高领导干部的政治理论素质,是党的三代领导核心的一个重要战略思想。讲政治,最主要的就是要抓好理论学习,坚持不懈地用马列主义、毛泽东思想,特别是邓小平理论武装头脑,从根本上提高领导干部的政治理论素质。只有这样,才能使领导干部在任何时候、任何情况下都能自觉地与以江泽民同志为核心的党中央保持高度一致。 端正学习动机,树立良好学风 讲学习,必须要有正确的学习动机。学习动机不对头,学风态度就不端正,学习也就难以深入,甚至可能走偏。在学习理论过程中,一些领导干部存
To strengthen theoretical study and improve the quality of political theory of leading cadres is an important strategic thinking of the party’s three generations of leading cores. The most important thing about politics is to grasp theoretical study and arduously brave the mind with Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought and especially Deng Xiaoping Theory, and fundamentally improve the quality of political theory of leading cadres. Only in this way can the leading cadres be able to conscientiously and at all times and in any circumstances maintain a high degree of unanimity with the Party Central Committee with Comrade Jiang Zemin at the core. To correct learning motivation, establish a good style of study to learn, we must have the right motivation to learn. Learning motivation is wrong, academic attitude is not correct, it is difficult to learn in-depth, and may even go wrong. In the process of learning theory, some leading cadres are kept