来源 :中国癌症研究(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wan801130
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Objective: In order to investigate the relationship between the expression of ras gene and the development of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Materials and Methods: The experimental tree shrews were divided into four groups: group A, infected human hepatitis B virus (HBV) and exposed to aflatoxin B1 (AFB1); group B, infected human HBV alone; group C, only exposed to AFB1; group D, use as controls. The serial bioptic liver tissues were detected for ras p21 protein using immunohistochemical method. Results: The total p21protein positive rates in group A, B, C and D were 35.3%, 5.3%, 13.3%, 0, respectively, thus the significant difference were showed between group A and group B (P<0.05); The HCC incidences in group A, B, C and D were 47.1%, 0, 13.3%, 0, respectively, and there was a significant difference between group A and C (P<0.05).The incidences of HCC in the animals with and without p21 protein positive in group A were 100% and 18.2%,respectively, and there was a significant difference among them (P<0.01). Conclusion: HBV and AFB1 play a remarkable synergistic role in the development of HCC; they can enhance the expression of ras gene. The over-expression of ras gene is closely related to pathogenesis of HCC in tree shrews.
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曾被称为“疯牛”的A股市场自6月中旬以来便开始下跌,调整速度和跌幅超出所有人的预料,上证指数下跌近30%,创业板指数跌幅超过40%,很多股票已被腰斩,场外配资纷纷出现爆仓。  目前看,当务之急是市场上下都应该冷静地进行反思,尤其监管部门要反思这次对形势的误判和对杠杆风险的认识不足,未来要尽量减少用“逆周期调节机制”来行政干预市场,别把控制风险变成制造风暴。  曾被称为“疯牛”的A股市场,自今年6月