
来源 :幼儿教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hmglz
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我受省人民政府的委托,对《江苏省幼儿教育暂行条例(草案)》作如下说明。为了保证和促进我省幼儿教育事业的健康发展,提高幼儿教育质量,实行幼儿教育地方立法是完全必要的。根据《中华人民共和国宪法》的有关规定和《中共中央关于教育体制改革的决定》中“要努力发展幼儿教育”的精神,我们广泛征求意见,起草了《江苏省幼儿教育暂行条例(草案)》。现在提请省人大常委会审议。一、关于幼儿教育的地位和作用。《条例(草案)》第一条指出:幼儿教育是国民教育的组成部分,是提高民族素质、培养一代新人的奠基工程。为了使我国的经济发展水平在下个世纪的上半叶接近并赶上世界先进水平,党中央制订了我国经济发展分三步走的战略规划。当前关键的工作是人才的准备。发展幼儿教育事业,培养儿童健壮的体魄、良好的品德、健康的审美情趣,这是为下世纪准备人才的最初 I was entrusted by the provincial people’s government to make the following explanation on the Provisional Regulations on Early Childhood Education in Jiangsu Province (Draft). In order to ensure and promote the healthy development of early childhood education in our province and improve the quality of early childhood education, it is absolutely necessary to implement local legislation on early childhood education. In accordance with the relevant provisions of the “Constitution of the People’s Republic of China” and the “efforts to develop early childhood education” in the “Decision of the CPC Central Committee on Educational System Reform”, we solicited opinions extensively and drafted the “Provisional Regulations on Early Childhood Education in Jiangsu Province (Draft)” . Now referred to the Provincial People’s Congress for consideration. First, on the status and role of early childhood education. Article 1 of the “Regulations (Draft)” states: Early childhood education is an integral part of national education and is the foundation work for raising the national quality and cultivating new generations. In order to bring the level of our country’s economic development close to the first half of the next century and to catch up with the world’s advanced level, the Central Party Committee has formulated a three-step strategic plan for economic development in our country. The key job now is the preparation of talent. The development of early childhood education, to develop children’s strong physique, good moral character, healthy aesthetic taste, which is the preparation for the next century the first talent
当今世界是科学的世界,怎样向幼儿进行爱科学教育的任务已摆在幼儿园教师面前。我们选用了诗歌《翅膀》对大班末期的幼儿进行科学启蒙教育,收到了好的效果。 Nowadays the
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