加强科技工作 振兴电机工业

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为了适应机械工业发展的需要,一机部电工总局技术委员会电机技术委员会正式成立了。电机技术委员会下设若干分会,目前已同时成立了大电机、中小型电机、控制电机和驱动微电机四个分技术委员会。电机技术委员会(以下简称《电机技委会》),在电工总局技术委员会及其执行委员会的领导下开展工作,由电机专业各方面的专家组成,是电工总局在电机方面科学技术工作的咨询 In order to meet the needs of the development of the machinery industry, the Motor Technology Committee of the Technical Committee of the General Electric Department of the Ministry of Machinery was formally established. The Motor Technology Committee has several sub-committees. At present, four sub-technical committees for large motors, small and medium-sized motors, control motors, and micro-motors have been established. The Motor Technology Committee (hereinafter referred to as the “Motor Technology Committee”) conducts work under the leadership of the Technical Committee of the General Electric Administration and its Executive Committee. It is composed of experts from all aspects of the motor industry and is consulting for the scientific and technical work of the General Electric Administration in the field of electrical machinery.
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引进大型精密仪器是国家的一项战略性措施,大型精密仪器是先进科学技术研究的重要手段.在一定意义上说,一个国家研究手段的先进程度,反映国家科学研究的水 The introduction
文中简要地介绍了经济责任制的考核办法,以及实行经济责任制后所发生的变化。 The article briefly introduced the assessment methods for the economic responsibility s
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上海长江饭店不断加强财务管理,把物料用品纳入班组核算范围,物耗费用率一般能控制在营业额的2%以内,物品损失原因明,责任清,结合评奖考核,效果较好,具体做法是: Shanghai
一、一九八二年一月五日,在国务院全体会议上,赵紫阳总理说:“标准化工作十分重要。我们现在提出来要整顿企业,提高经济效 On January 5, 1982, at the State Council plena