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为了加强对烟草行业的集中管理,改善市场卷烟供应情况,增加国家财政收入,国务院决定对烟草行业实行国家专营。在1981年下半年,为了调动烟农生产烟叶的积极性,适当提高了烟叶的收购价。同年11月,调整了部分卷烟的价格。卷烟提价增加的利润,作为“烟草 In order to strengthen the centralized management of the tobacco industry, improve the supply of cigarettes in the market, and increase national fiscal revenue, the State Council decided to implement a state franchise for the tobacco industry. In the second half of 1981, in order to mobilize the enthusiasm of tobacco farmers to produce tobacco, the purchase price of tobacco leaves was appropriately increased. In November of the same year, the prices of some cigarettes were adjusted. Increased profits from cigarette prices as ”Tobacco
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引进大型精密仪器是国家的一项战略性措施,大型精密仪器是先进科学技术研究的重要手段.在一定意义上说,一个国家研究手段的先进程度,反映国家科学研究的水 The introduction
文中简要地介绍了经济责任制的考核办法,以及实行经济责任制后所发生的变化。 The article briefly introduced the assessment methods for the economic responsibility s
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上海长江饭店不断加强财务管理,把物料用品纳入班组核算范围,物耗费用率一般能控制在营业额的2%以内,物品损失原因明,责任清,结合评奖考核,效果较好,具体做法是: Shanghai
一、一九八二年一月五日,在国务院全体会议上,赵紫阳总理说:“标准化工作十分重要。我们现在提出来要整顿企业,提高经济效 On January 5, 1982, at the State Council plena