挖掘警犬潜能 拓宽使用范围

来源 :中国刑事警察 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dhalbert
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与国外相比,国内的警犬使用情况就显得有些相形见绌了。我们的警犬使用面非常狭窄,主要用于刑事侦查、抓捕、搜毒搜爆,而其它领域则涉及很少。为推动我国警犬工作进一步发展,适应新形势下公安工作的需要,警犬使用应向多层次、多领域方向发展,挖掘犬的潜能,发挥其特有功能,使其更好地为人类服务。犬的凶猛性和威慑力的潜能亟待挖掘治安工作中用犬巡逻和防范面对日益严峻的社会治安形势,我国的各级公安部门纷纷组建了警犬巡逻队伍。2000年北京、天津、广州等市率先使用警犬上街巡逻,之后国内部分城市也相继配备警犬巡逻。警犬在巡逻和处理突发事件方面可以起到不可替代的作用。辽宁省海城市西柳镇活跃着一支警犬巡逻队,在火车站、服装城等人流密集的繁华场所,机敏的警犬注视着一切可疑迹象。警犬巡逻队成立一个多月就协助破获刑 Compared with foreign countries, the domestic use of dogs is somewhat dwarfs. Our dogs are very narrow in use, mainly used for criminal investigation, arrest, search for explosives, while other areas involve very little. In order to promote the further development of police dog work in our country and adapt to the needs of public security work in the new situation, the use of police dogs should be developed in various levels and fields, and the potential of dogs should be tapped to exert their unique functions to serve human beings better. Dogs ferocious and deterrence potential Urgent excavation of public security work dog patrol and guard against the increasingly serious social order situation, our country’s public security departments at all levels have set up a police dog patrol team. In 2000, Beijing, Tianjin and Guangzhou took the lead in using patrol dogs to patrol the streets. Some cities in China later deployed patrol dogs. Police dogs can play an irreplaceable role in patrolling and handling emergencies. An active police dog patrol team is active in Xiliu Town, Haicheng City, Liaoning Province. At the crowded, thriving sites such as the railway station and the clothing town, alert police dogs are watching for any signs of suspicion. Police dog patrols set up more than a month to help break the sentence
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