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本文介绍美国空军航天司令部全球定位系统(GPS)需求处(HQ AF-SPC/DRN)概况,定义了需求确定程序,然后阐明这些需求是如何具体落实并应用于军用及民用领域的。美国空军航天司令部GPS需求处位于科罗拉多州彼得森空军基地,它是负责收集军用和民用GPS系统需求的机构。这些需求是根据1996年3月出台的总统决策令“美国全球定位系统政策(国家科学技术委员会[NSTC]-6)”制定的。这一政策明文规定GPS是由国防部经营管理的军民两用的天基定位、导航和授时(PNT)系统。因此,HQ AFSPC/DRN根据这一政策审查了联邦无线电导航计划(FRP),国防部/交通部的民用GPS定位、导航和授时需求公告,以及空军航天司令部对军事导航和授时有关需求的任务需求书(MNS)003-92。GPS系统由控制单元、空间单元和用户单元组成。空间航天司令部负责制定控制单元和空间单元的需求。这些需求已在GPS运营需求文件(ORD)中定义,并经联合需求监督委员会和空军参谋长批准。该需求明确规定了对GPSP空间和控制单元的军用及民用需求。然后,由位于洛杉矶空军基地的GPS联合计划处负责处理GPS运营需求文件(ORD),并针对AFSPC/DO的运营提交一份技术解决方案(系统解决方案或能力解决方案)。为了满足GPS运营需求文件中规定的改进系统精度的需求,GPS联合计划处正致力于通过系统结构革新计划(AEP)和精度改进倡义(AII)来提高控制单元的性能,同时,通过分别用同代新型GPS航天器分阶段实施的方案来提高GPS空间单元的能力。GPSⅢ系统将完成这一系列GPS系统的革命。 This article provides an overview of the US Air Force Space Command’s Global Positioning System (GPS) Requirements Branch (HQ AF-SPC / DRN), defines requirements determination procedures and then clarifies how these requirements are specifically implemented and applied to military and civilian applications. The US Air Force Space Command GPS Departure Service is located at Peterson Air Force Base, Colorado, and is the agency responsible for collecting the needs of military and civilian GPS systems. These requirements are based on the presidential decree issued in March 1996, “US Global Positioning System Policy (NSTC-6)”. This policy explicitly states that GPS is a dual-use space-based positioning, navigation and timing (PNT) system run by the Department of Defense. Accordingly, the HQ AFSPC / DRN reviewed Federal Radionavigation Program (FRP), Department of Defense / Ministry of Transportation civilian GPS positioning, navigation and timing requirements announcements, and Air Services Space Command’s mission on military navigation and timing requirements in accordance with this policy Demand Book (MNS) 003-92. GPS system consists of control unit, space unit and user unit. Space and Space Command is responsible for developing the requirements for control units and space units. These requirements have been defined in the GPS Operational Requirements Document (ORD) and approved by the Joint Requirements Oversight Board and the Air Force Chief of Staff. This requirement specifies the military and civilian requirements for GPSP space and control units. The GPS Operations Requirement Document (ORD) is then processed by the GPS Joint Program Office at Los Angeles Air Force Base and a technical solution (system solution or capability solution) is provided for the operation of the AFSPC / DO. In response to the need to improve system accuracy as set forth in the GPS Operations Requirements document, the GPS Joint Program is working to improve the performance of control units through the System Architecture Innovation Program (AEP) and Precision Improvement Initiative (AII). At the same time, The same generation of new GPS spacecraft implementation of the program in phases to improve the capacity of GPS space units. GPS Ⅲ system will complete the revolution of this series of GPS systems.
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第一条根据《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法》及其实施条例,制定本规定。 第二条本规定适用于处理车辆在道路上因过错或者意外造成的人身伤亡或者财产损失的事故。 车辆在道
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