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以邓小平同志1992年春南巡重要谈话和中共干四大为标志,中国经济改革进入了一个新阶段。经济学界有一种说法是进入了第二轮十年改革。所谓经济改革的新阶段,新就新在有了建立社会主义市场经济体制这样一条改革主线。要建立社会主义市场经济体制,培育公平的市场环境固然重要,而更重要的是培育市场竞争的主体一一企业。传统计划经济体制下的国有企业,在很大程度上是行政机关的附属物,是“工厂”,而不是严格意义上的企业,不具备作为市场竞争主体的条件。因此,建立市场经济体制的一项基础工程是重塑国有企业制度,重新构造市场竞争的主体,让企业走向市场,成为真正意义上的企业。企业要走向市场,转换经营机制,需要借助于一系列的改革才能实现,其中一项重要内容就是劳动人事、工资分配、社会保险三项制度改革。D Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s important talk on the southern tour in the spring of 1992 and the cadre of the Communist Party of China marked the end of China’s economic reform into a new phase. There is a saying in the economics circle that it has entered the second round of reforms. In the so-called new phase of economic reforms, new and new is the main line of reform for establishing a socialist market economic system. It is important to establish a socialist market economic system and foster a fair market environment, and it is even more important to cultivate the main body of market competition. The state-owned enterprises under the traditional planned economy system are, to a large extent, subsidiaries of the executive authorities. They are “factories” rather than enterprises in the strict sense, and do not have the conditions as the subject of market competition. Therefore, one of the basic projects for establishing a market economy system is to reshape the state-owned enterprise system, reconstruct the main body of market competition, and allow companies to go to market and become real enterprises. Enterprises must go through the market and convert their operating mechanisms through a series of reforms. One of the important contents is the reform of the three systems of labor and personnel, wage distribution, and social insurance. D
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作者针对社会主义市场经济体制下,政治思想工作面临的新问题,提出几条措施。即:把握主流、找准问题、创新方法、求的实效。文章朴实,针对性强,很有见地。 In the light of t
化学应以实验探究为出发点,以实验为活动中心,注重让学生“做中学、动中学。”在教学中通过巧妙设计,激发学生学习兴趣,培养学生丰富的想象力、猜测能力,以及动手操作能力和创新能力。如何引领初中生走进奇妙的化学世界里,深刻理解化学知识的内在本质?根据多年的教学实践浅谈几点看法。  一、通过实验使学生感知化学的趣味性  我们知道良好的开端是成功的一半。初三学生的好奇心很强,用精彩有趣的实验打开化学知识的大门