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  France is a country of great food, great fashion, and great art. It is also the birthplace of various painting movements and has been home to the worlds most influential painters in the world.
  Claude Monet
  Claude Monet started the Impressionist movement that completely changed the face of French painting in the second half of the 19th century. He developed a love for drawing at an early age, and would often fill his notebooks with sketches (素描). He first started
  out with selling charcoal (木炭) pictures in Paris and
  started oil painting after meeting Eugene Boudin, who taught him to use oil paints, and also encouraged him to paint outdoors, a technique that he mastered later.
  Vincent van Gogh
  Vincent van Gogh was a Post?Impressionist French painter of Dutch origin whose works had a huge influence on the 20th century art. His early works consisted more of somber (忧伤的) earth
  tones. However, influenced by Gauguin, Monet, Pissarro, and Bernard, he adopted brighter colors in his works, he started experimenting with various techniques and formed his own. Having produced more than 2,000 works of art, the artist sold only one painting during his lifetime—Red Vineyard at Arles.
  ?douard Manet
  ?douard Manet, born on January 23, 1832, was one of the first artists to paint modern life. With his radical (激进的) painting style, he bridged the gap between Realism and Impressionism. He began to paint in his own style, maintaining some of Coutures techniques like the use of thick lines and dark colors. He was greatly influenced by Berthe Morisot, which can be seen in his use of light shades. Most of his paintings show scenes from daily life on the streets of Paris.
  Camille Pissarro
  Born on July 10, 1830 in Saint Thomas, Camille Pissarro moved to Paris in 1855, where he was taught by Camille Corot. In his early years, Pissarro painted scenes of a river or a path, from memory. However, he preferred to paint from real life, due to which his work was often criticized for being vulgar(粗俗的). However, after meeting Claude Monet and Paul Cezanne, who shared his interest of painting in a more realistic style, he changed course to Impressionism. He did a majority of his work in France. However, he had to move to England during the Franco?Prussian War. After returning to France 20 years later, he discovered that only 40 out of his 1,500 paintings had survived. During his career, he experimented with various styles, including Georges Seurats Pointillism.   法国是一个美食、时尚和艺术都很著名的国家,它也是各种绘画运动的发源地,同时也是世界上最有影响力的画家的故乡。
  Reading check
  1.Who was the founder of the Impressionist
  A.Claude Monet.
  B.Vincent van Gogh.
  C.?douard Manet.
  D.Camille Pissarro.
  2.How do we know ?douard Manet was influenced by Claude Monet and Berthe Morisot?
  A.From his use of thick lines.
  B.From his use of dark colors.
  C.From his use of light shades.
  D.From his paintings about daily life.
  3.Camille Pissarro changed course to Impressionism .
  A.soon after he moved to Paris
  B.because he was criticized for being vulgar
  C.after meeting two great painters of his time
  D.when the Franco?Prussian War broke out
  4.What do we know about the four painters according to the passage?
  A.They were all French origin.
  B.They all learned to paint outdoors.
  C.They were taught by famous artists.
  D.They had their own painting styles.
  Language study
  1.He developed a love for drawing at an early age, and would often fill his notebooks with sketches. 他从小就喜欢画画,并且经常在笔记本上画素描。
  【点石成金】develop a love for... 表示“培养对……的爱好”。
  2.Vincent van Gogh was a Post?Impressionist French painter of Dutch origin whose works had a huge influence on the 20th century art.文森特·梵·高是后印象派荷兰籍法国画家,他的作品对20世纪的艺术产生了巨大的影响。
  【点石成金】have an influence on... 表示
  3.His early works consisted more of somber earth tones.他早期的作品更多的是阴郁的大地色调。
  【点石成金】consist of... 表示“由……组成”。