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  A Korean Force of Nature
  In just three years, Korean pop star Rain has built a huge domestic following of (mostly) female fans with a string of chart-topping 1)singles, and now he’s ready to branch out overseas. Rain picked up MTV Asia prizes this year, played his first 2)solo concert in Japan in July and has lined up sold-out 3)gigs in Hong Kong and Tokyo. But the engine of Korean pop-culture dominance in Asia is the soap opera, which is why Rain is forecast for TV this fall. The 4)decidedly boyish singer will play a 5)macho 6)K-1 fighter who falls for his brother’s lover in a series 7)tentatively titled A Love to Kill. Though the show is set to air first in Korea this October, the 8)astounding popularity of Korean TV dramas around the region means that the pop star could soon become a familiar face throughout Asia.

  But why stop there? Rain’s managers believe he could be the first Korean star to break into the U.S. market. Park Jin Young, the pop 9)impresario who discovered and trained Rain, is a talented dancer and songwriter who has worked with U.S. artists like Mase and Will Smith. Since setting up camp in Los Angeles last year, Park has been shopping his 10)protégéaround to U.S. production companies. Rain almost managed to score a track on 11)rapper Lil’Kim’s latest album but the plan fell apart after Kim was convicted of 12)perjury and had to start serving a jail term, according to an executive at Rain’s management company. Just a minor 13)setback, says the executive: “We’retargeting the global market. Rain’s too big for Asia.”

  Full Name: Jeong Ji-hoon(原名:郑智薰)
  Date of Birth: June 25, 1982
  Height: 184cm
  Music Album :
  “Bad Man”(2002)
  “How To Avoid The Sun”(2003)
  “It’s Raining”(2004)
   Drama :
  SangDoo! Let’s go to school! (2003)(《尚道!上学去!》)
  Full House (2004) (《浪漫满屋》)
  A Love to Kill (2005) (《这该死的爱》)

  The Chinese Pop King
  Jay Chou deserves a promotion. Chinese language media refers to the Taiwan born star as “small heavenly King,”14)in deference to Hong Kong’s “big heavenly Kings,”the four Canto-pop idols who have long dominated the industry. But Chou, who has given hip-hop a Chinese accent, may finally be ready to ascend into their realm of superstardom. Each of his first five albums has gone 15)triple 16)platinum, he 17)blitzed the 18)box office with his summer film debut Initial D and unlike most idols, he can actually write his own music. Chou mixed beats and ballads again in his sixth album, which came out in November. All 19)hail the king.

  Can a Chinese Musical Capture Discerning Movie Audiences?
  Peter Chan says he doesn’t actually like musicals, which is not something you’d expect to hear from the filmmaker 20)helming the first musical to be shot in Mainland China for four decades. But nowadays only the biggest Asian movies seem to survive at the box office, so when the Hong Kong-based director sat down to plan his first mainland Chinese film in years, he decided to wrap a small love story in a musical coat. “It was like the sugar that helps you draw the audience back into the theater,”he says. “But I had no idea what it was going to look like.”Contrary to expectations, the movie isn’t a tribute to classic Mandarin musicals of the’50s and ’60s: Chan’s reference points seem to be Western tuners like Chicago or The Phantom of the Opera. As a full-bore musical, Perhaps Love should prove a 21)litmus test for the genre’s future, at least in China and Japan.
  Chan, best known for the 22)handover-era drama Comrades: Almost a Love Story, can stop worrying. The early word is that his musical, Perhaps Love, is brilliant. The $10 million movie was selected for the closing spot in the Venice Film Festival before Chan had finished post-production. Pop icon Takeshi Kaneshiro, pop idol Jacky Cheung and luminous mainlander Zhou Xun star as actors in 23)contemporary Shanghai filming a musical set in the 24)decadent 1930s. A 25)love triangle 26)ensues, giving the stars a chance to work out their feelings in song and dance, 27)choreographed by India’s Farah Khan. In a Christmas season 28)choked with high-profile Asian films like The Promise, Perhaps Love promises to sing out above the rest.

“卷福”、“贾老板”、“大表姐”……这些体现了中国网民高超智慧的昵称终于引来美国人的围观—这不,CNN就为美国人民科普了其中几个最有人气的中文昵称。下次如果有外国友人问起这些明星的中文昵称是怎么来的,你就知道怎样回答了吧。  During the Super Bowl注1 halftime show, Chinese Internet users were talking about a woma
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这是一首关于平凡生活的真理,言辞诙谐幽默,耐人寻味。但毕竟这是外国人写的,由于存在文化及生活背景的差异,所以小编初看这首诗,其实有许多句子是不理解的。不过请教完外教Simon后,我才深刻体会到作者笔下的幽默。再次细细读来,不觉感叹生活的每个阶段都有其特别的魅力,在忙碌的生活中,我们需要多点时间去思考品味生活的真谛!  (Tracy)    Great Truths About Life That
单亲家庭所引发的诸多问题已不是什么新鲜话题了,不可否认,由于缺少父母的悉心照顾,单亲家庭的孩子更容易误入歧途。本文的主人公虽然也来自单亲家庭,但他却在孤独中学会独立,在无助中学会自助。烹饪一份完美的鸡肉派让他学会了自制,变得稳重。但其中的美味,却也只能独自品尝,些许无奈,些许感慨。  (Tracy)    Eighteen minutes and thirty-two seconds. This