The female patient, 45 years old, had coughing and wheezing for 3 months. After the activity, it was obviously worsened progressively. Occasionally, there was blood in the sputum and the amount was not much. He had failed to treat bronchitis and bronchial asthma and was admitted to hospital on July 5, 1990. Physical examination: In general, there may be typical inspiratory dyspnea, no superficial lymph node enlargement, no abnormalities in the head and neck, respiratory sounds in the two lungs are rough, and wheeze is heard infrequently. Typical bellows can be heard in the upper sternal fossa Breath sounds; heart rate 94 beats/min, rhythm no noise. Chest and chest radiographs showed no significant abnormalities. High-voltage chest radiographs showed a 3×2 cm soft tissue mass in the trachea of the flat chest lock joint. Fiberoptic bronchoscopy: Into the left side of the trachea with a 20cm diameter into the cauliflower mass, wide pedicle sessile, narrow lumen, due to