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本学期开学以来,全国各地少先队组织以邓小平理论和江泽民同志“三个代表””重要思想为指导,进一步落实第四次全国少代会精神、在认真贯彻《公民道德建设实施纲要》、切实加强少年儿童思想道德教育中,努力发挥自身的优势,通过体验教育与课堂上进行的思想道德教育有机的结合,提高了少年儿童思想道德教育的针对性、实效性和主动性。实践说明:少先队的一个重要任务就是要把一定的思想道德行为规范内化为队员健康的心理品质和良好的行为习惯,这就决定了少先队思想道德教育具有行为特征和实践特征,决定了少先队思想道德教育过程是指导队员进行道德实践的过程。当代少年儿童具有鲜明的个性特征,这使得传统的靠说理和感化的思想道德教育方式。已满足不了队员的实际需求。所以,必须强化少先队思想道德教育的实践性环节,鼓励并引导广大少年儿童积极参与各种社会实践活动,让他们在校内外广泛的道德实践中实现自我教育、自我体验。 Since the beginning of this semester, the Young Pioneers in all parts of the country have guided Deng Xiaoping Theory and Comrade Jiang Zemin’s important thought of Three Represents to further implement the spirit of the Fourth National Youth Congress, conscientiously implement the Compendium of Civic Morality Construction, and earnestly strengthen In the ideological and moral education for children and adolescents, efforts are made to exert their own advantages, and through the combination of experience education and the ideological and moral education in the classroom, the pertinence, effectiveness and initiative of ideological and moral education for children and adolescents are enhanced. An important task is to internalize certain norms of moral and ethical behavior into healthy mental qualities and good habits of team members. This determines that the ideological and moral education of the Young Pioneers has behavioral characteristics and practical characteristics, which determine that the pioneering process of ideological and moral education is the guide The members of the process of moral practice.Adolescent children have distinct personality traits, which makes the traditional way of moral education by reason and probation can not meet the actual needs of team members.Therefore, we must strengthen the practice of young pioneers ideological and moral education , Encourage and guide Big children actively participate in various social practice, allow them to achieve self-education in schools a wide range of external moral practice, self-experience.
一、教学内容PEP第五册Unit 1 My new teachers(Let’s try & Let’s talk)本单元的语言功能项目是Describing people,话题为Appearance&Character。本课时是本单元的第二课
2月8日 晴  一个美好幸福的家园,是我们要寻找的;一个美好幸福的家园,是人类梦寐追求的。从刀耕火种的蛮荒时代,到数码航天的信息文明,几千年来,人类为之不懈努力,孜孜以求,生生不息。  幸福,如春风拂面,使人倍感亲切;幸福,如久旱甘霖,使人心田滋润。  天空的幸福,是穿一身蓝;森林的幸福,是披一身绿;阳光的幸福,如钻石般闪耀;落日的幸福,留下了最后的美丽;而我所追求的幸福,是和好友一起去采撷——每
一、热身(Warming up)1.Sing an English song“Old McDonlad has a farm”.2.Greeting.3.Say all kinds of the animals.4.Write down the animal 1. Warming up 1.Sing an
毫不夸张地说,课堂教学中导课环节的情境创设,已经成为当前数学教师煞费苦心的一件事。教者往往为了突出“新、奇、趣”而挖空心思地去创造出“迷人”的教学情境,然而,细细品味一些所谓精心设计的教学情境,试问:这样的情境能起多大作用?  1 虚假造作的“情境”脱离数学本质。  [现场实录]:“求平均数”导课片段  师:大家喜欢做游戏吗?  生:喜欢!  (学生纷纷举手,有几个学生甚至高举着自己的双手,希望老