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高校艺术教育是一种让学生能够从艺术中感受并领悟到人生快乐与生活之美的艺术教育形式。其中的审美教育是艺术教育的主要存在维度之一,构成了艺术教育的重要环节。因此,本文围绕高校艺术教育中的审美教育展开讨论,透析其中的奥秘,让其发挥出心灵教育、人格教育、修养教育、精神境界教育的多重作用。具体来说,本文首先介绍了审美教育的内涵,并根据当前高校艺术教育中的审美教育现状,提出了我们要充分重视审美教育在艺术教育中的重要作用,并给出了相应的建议来培养并提高大学生的审美情趣和审美能力,从而不断完善高校艺术教育体系,提高审美教育质量和水平。 Art education in colleges and universities is a form of art education that enables students to feel and appreciate the beauty of life and the beauty of life from the arts. The aesthetic education among them is one of the main dimensions of art education, and constitutes an important link in art education. Therefore, this article focuses on aesthetic education in art education in colleges and universities and analyzes its mysteries so as to give play to the multiple functions of spiritual education, personality education, accomplishment education and spiritual realm education. Specifically, this article first introduces the connotation of aesthetic education, and according to the current situation of aesthetic education in art education in colleges and universities, puts forward that we should pay full attention to the important role of aesthetic education in art education and give corresponding suggestions to develop And improve college students aesthetic taste and aesthetic ability, so as to constantly improve the art education system in colleges and universities to improve the quality and level of aesthetic education.
典皮夜蛾(Sarrothripus revayanaScopoli)又名缀叶夜蛾,属鳞翅目夜蛾科,是新疆多年来为害杨树幼树的重要害虫。 一、分布及为害 据了解,典皮夜蛾在我国内蒙古、辽宁、黑龙
脂溃疡病在美国是湿地松的主要病害之一。病原菌是亚胶团串珠镰孢霉(Fusarium moniliforme var.subglutinans)。这种真菌还能为害香蕉、甘蔗和玉米,在我国也有分布。湿地松在
对于一般从事舞台器乐表演艺术的人来说,大都有过这样的经历,当人们走上舞台的时候,会出现心跳加快,口干,手凉,出冷汗等反应;还有稍 For those who are generally engaged i
地老虎是危害玉米苗的主要地下害虫.1977年以来,我们用敌敌畏毒饵进行诱杀,对消灭三龄以上的地老虎效果显著。此法简便,适用于大面积防治。 Tigers are the major undergro
目的 研究白藜芦醇(RES)对受照射小鼠的辐射防护作用及其分子作用机理.方法采用60Coγ射线照射小鼠模型,观察小鼠30 d存活和死亡动物存活时间.用原位末端标记法观察受照射小鼠脾细胞凋亡,流式细胞仪检测脾细胞凋亡率和凋亡相关蛋白的表达水平,同时检测脾细胞内凋亡相关酶活性大小.结果照射前给予RES能明显提高受照射小鼠的存活率,延长死亡动物存活时间.RES能明显抑制受照射小鼠脾细胞凋亡,提高Bcl-