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为深入落实李克强总理去年赴韩访问期间与韩国总统朴槿惠等领导人就加强中国创新发展战略对接达成的重要共识,促进中韩两国青年创新创业,加快推进中韩创新创业园建设,6月24日,由科技部、共青团中央、四川省人民政府和韩国未来创造科学部主办的首届中韩青年创新创业大赛在成都高新区菁蓉国际广场举办。大赛由科技部火炬中心、中国国际青年交流中心、四川省科技厅、成都市政府和韩国信息通信产业振兴院承办,成都高新区管 In order to further implement the important consensus reached by Premier Li Keqiang during his visit to South Korea last year with leaders of South Korea’s President Park Geun-hye on the successful docking of China’s innovation and development strategy, promote the innovation and entrepreneurship of young people in China and South Korea and accelerate the construction of a Sino-South Korea Pioneering Park, June 24 Day, organized by the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, Sichuan Provincial People’s Government and the Ministry of Science, South Korea’s future sponsored by the first youth innovation and entrepreneurship competition in Chengdu High-tech Zone Jingrong International Plaza. Competition by the Torch Center Ministry of Science and Technology, China International Youth Exchange Center, Sichuan Provincial Science and Technology Department, the Chengdu Municipal Government and Korea Information and Communication Industry Promotion Agency, Chengdu High-tech Zone
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